Chapter 22

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The group huddled near the front of the house discussing a strategy, realizing they didn't really need one. Forrester and his man were trapped on the second floor and all the couples were free to go.

"Has anyone heard from the Boat Busters?" Jess asked.

"If you didn't shoot it to pieces, there's a phone in the library that might reach the airport." Arny suggested, hefting his gun and drawing an eye roll from Miller.

"Go two go and check it out then. We'll check on Jeff."

Jeff crawled back away from the door and grinned when he saw the group.

"Everyone good? All the girls? Where are the guys?"

"They're all in the limo looking after Gretta, she was hurting more than she let on."

"Watch out!" Jeff rolled to one side, as Arny and Miller jogged up to front of the house.

"Hey! We're the good guys. Jesus, Bowen, be careful." Miller squatted down and hung his head. "Billy would kill me if you shot me."

"They all looked at Parker and he just shrugged. "Nothin' to say."

"A first," Jessica laughed. "Did you get the airport?"

"Yep, and they are safe and secure on the ground, arguing over who should tell how they succeeded with the boat."

"So, we can just make tracks, pile into the plane and go. Forrester and his buddy will have to phone for help."

"I don't like leaving him." Jeff said.

"You want to shoot him?" Parker chuckled.

"Crossed my mind."

Parker's chuckle turned to a throat clearing cough.

"We can alert the authorities when we land – or even from the plane." Jessica said. "But I think we should get off this island while we can, besides, Gretta needs proper care, and soon."


Adrenaline was still pumping even though they were airborne and headed to safety. Arny and Jessica were crouched down where Gretta had been made as comfortable as possible on the floor.

"You okay, babe?" he asked.

"Sore, and a little woozy. Is everyone else okay?"

"They're fine. Jeff had a head wound from a crease earlier – that and a clumsy fall on his spare magazine. It was Impressive stuff." Jessica grinned.

"We're headed to Florida. We've contacted the authorities there and Jess put a request through to her people to set up a joint investigation." Arny smoothed her hair aside from her face. "You are going straight to the hospital, and nobody better get in my way."

"Attention everybody. Deb and I have prepared a lunch from our host's lavish, little on-board kitchen, so please take your seats, and we'll serve." Verna announced.

Hart hurried down the aisle. "Jeff took a sandwich up to the pilot so I could savour your, award-winning cuisine." He said,comming up behind Verna and kissing her neck.

"I made you a hot dog." She smiled demurely, and went about serving.

"How come all us guys get kidded by our partners except Jeff?" Miller asked.

"He's older than me," Jessica said, through a mouthful of sandwich.

"I heard that," came the cry from the cockpit.

There was general laughter and a few more remarks and then each settled down to enjoying food and the incredible cloud formations out the window.


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