First Day Full Of Chaos

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Yunjin pov:
We walked into the Dorm called Pomefiore, than the Dormleader announced:

Vill: my name is Vill and I shall be your Dormhead, I welcome you to Pomefiore. And I am happy to announce that Pomefiore is the first for to have a female student.

'wait... Did he just say first female student?'

'and how do I get back to liyue I don't wanna go to a all boy school. I'm starting to wish that Hu Tao would me in that coffin.'

Vill: please introduce yourself.

'uhh... Oh right'

Yunjin: I am yunjin but please call me y/n.

Vill: now Rook! Lead the way to their rooms.

Rook: Ok Roi de poison.

The male that is called Rook lead me to my room, I must say it's not too bad we can change it to our likings.

As I was about to go to bed a weird eerie sound was in my head a few minutes later it stopped, or so I thought.

'hey is she awake?' a voice that sounds like paimon whispered.

'I don't know, but it looks like she's asleep.' answered a voice which was familiar, it was the traveller's.

I quickly opened my eyes and to my surprise no one was there.

I swear that I heard someone in the room.

As I walked to bed the voice came back.

' paimon is getting hungry. '

'Wait I'll get you some sticky honey roast, OK?'


As the voices continued I started drifting of to sleep.

"hey are you alive?"

"she's alive but is sleeping."


As I tryed waking up they continued to talk about a spell or something. After many attempts of trying to wake up I finally did it. And the first thing I saw was the traveller and paimon.

Not noticing I woke up they still continued to do whatever they were doing. Not knowing what to do I thought of two solutions 1. Hugging them from the back and start explaining what happened, or 2. Make a run for it.

I went with plan 1 and I got up to run and hug them. They were shocked, I mean who wouldn't.

"hey, your awake!"


Yunjin: Where are we?

Traveller: We're currently in your dream.

Yunjin: how?

Traveller: with a mechanism that Lisa made, it allows us to be in someone's mind in other words we can speak in your head and you can respond by just thinking.

Paimon: And we can see and hear everything you see and hear, isn't that awesome!

Traveller: the others will also randomly come and go, so look forward to it. You should probably wake up before you're alarm goes off for the third time. See ya.

And with that I woke up.


Author note:
Sorry if my grammar was terrible English isn't my native language.

I'll try to update everyday.

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