Chapter III

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*Knock* *knock*

"Come in." Said a man in a white coat as he browsed through papers and emails.

"Dr. Forger, a call came from St. Berth's academy and is requesting you, what would you like me to do?" The person who knocked, a nurse, says as she held a telephone in her hand the receiver covered to hide their voices.

"St. Berth's?" Dr. Forger repeated in confusion as he looked up from the papers he held.

"Yes sir, they are requesting you because of a daughter? Should I tell them to contact again later?" Asked the nurse, her hand was positioned to move away from the receiver and bring the phone to her ear to answer.

Loid immediately stood up at her words, dropping the papers he was holding before hastily grabbing his coat and rushing to walk out the door.

"Tell them I'm coming!" His voice echoed down the hallway as his figure became smaller till it was no more.

"Dr. ... Your coat...." Called out the nurse as she watched the man before letting out a sigh and answering the phone in her hand.


' Fuck! Shit! Damnit! Loid how could you forget! And after such great improvement last night! '

Were one of the thoughts of a man as he ran down the road, and if one could read the man's thoughts, they would pale at how colorful the words which he tormented himself with.

Nearing the corner before the place he needed to immediately be, he stopped taking a deep breath wincing a little from the cramp on his side that came from his hurry.

' Shit! I'm still wearing my white coat ' Loid realized as he looked down at his attire, ' Ugh! It's of no importance, I'll just bring it back tomorrow.' He sighed, a little exasperated at this point.

Another breath in and out, and he was ready once again to speed walk to the academy which was almost empty making him wince at that detail.

"Anya!" Loid called out as soon as he opened the door where he saw his daughter's back, she sat on one of the stools inside what he supposed was her room.

Anya, his daughter, didn't look nor lift her head to her father's direction instead remained in its bowed position.

"Anya..?" Loid called out as he neared his daughter's location taking caution in case she would lash out at him though it was silly to think so, since he had not seen Anya angry ever since they met again or even any emotion at all.

Crouching down to her height Loid saw his daughter's sleeping face and while usually was a calming sight, at the moment it wasn't so because of the tears he saw clinging to her lashes and the dried marks on her soft cheeks.

He was about to wipe the tears when he heard footsteps behind him, so turning around he saw whom he thinks is the teacher as she stared at him with a somber expression and a piece of paper in her hands.

"Mr. Forger?" The teacher called out softly so to not awaken the sleeping girl.

"Yes, that would be me." Loid said as he stood up looking at the woman before he looked down at Anya for a short moment, his hand moving to caress her hair, a small smile upon his lips though filled with regret.

"I would like to speak with you."  The teacher said, her face an expression of worry and pity combined which worried Loid before he nodded and followed the teacher to her table.


' I'm so sorry Anya, it seems that the burger steak would have to wait for tonight. I'm so sorry. ' Loid thought as he walked down the almost empty night road, his daughter in his arms along with their dinner, the few lights from the still open stores serving enough to be his guide home.

The whole walk and up till they entered their house Loid thought and whispered countless apologies to his daughter as she slept, until she stirred as he placed her momentarily on the couch.

"Papa..?" Anya called out softly as she rubbed her eyes.

"Hey, yes it's me... I'm sorry but don't rub your eyes please." Loid said as he reached out for her hands to stop her.

Anya flinched as soon as her father touched her hands which made Loid stop and once again be drowned in regret as he knows that every progress made has been erased thus he was back to square one with her once again.

Loid let out a sigh before slowly crouching down as he looked at her, "Would you like to have dinner? I'm sorry I am not able to prepare hamburger steak for tonight, but I promise that tomorrow we will have it from lunch to dinner since there is no school for you, so you can help me prepare if you would like"

Loid tried to cheer the tense atmosphere that surrounded them but it was in vain when all Anya did was look at him before she shook her head as no then climbed down from the couch and started to walk away.

"I bought honeyed peanuts if you would like, please eat that at least." Loid called out to his daughter before she disappeared down the hallway.

Anya stopped at the mention of the peanuts and while she didn't specifically know how honeyed peanuts tasted, as long as peanuts were present she couldn't refuse.

Loid smiled a little when he saw her stop and turn back at the mention of peanuts, ' I guess she is similar to me in that way huh? ' He thought as Anya took her seat infront of the low table in the living instead of her chair in the dining.

"Okay, I will bring it to you here for today but tomorrow please take your seat in the dining room when eating okay?" Loid said as he stood up and walked to the paper bag which contained their dinner and the honeyed peanuts he mentioned.

' Guess dinner will have to be put on the fridge for tonight. ' Loid sighed as he took out their dinner and placed it in the fridge, then grabbed two small plates to put the peanuts into and placed one infront of Anya who remained silent but gave a nod as thank you and the other he placed opposite her to eat.


"I'm sorry once again for coming to you late, I have not been very good to you and have again broken a promise. I swear to try my best to not break you any more promises and make you happy again, please forgive me soon." Loid whispered as he tucked a once again asleep Anya into her bed.

Loid stared at her for a few minutes before silently closing her door and walked towards his room to lay down for the night too. But before sleep could fully grab him one last thought appeared in his mind.

' Mr. Forger, your daughter needs help. '


Quick Note!!!

Did some of you cry? If not that's okay 😅. I do hope though that emotions were felt in this chapter, I really like this chapter as it came to me naturally.

By the way, I just wanted to say that Anya, Loid and Yor will totally be different from how they are characteristically portrayed in the anime so if some of you don't like this you can stop reading as soon as now :) .

Thank you and happy reading 💜💜 .

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