Fight for Us

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The next day, 3:15 PM

Hajime POV:

     "Briiiiiiing!" The school bell echoes, and the chatter of talking children begins immediately. I hear clips of conversations, "What are you wearing tomorrow?" "Are you doing anything after school" and "Did you hear what so-and-so said?!?" Just snippets of things going on in peoples life, none of them really concern me though. I couldn't sleep last night, though it stopped soon after it started, Nagito's eyrie laughing worried me, and kept me up late into the night. I should have just gone next door and checked on him, but for some reason I didn't. Because of that I woke up late, and couldn't ask him about it this morning. So here I am, the end of the day, right outside the exit to my boyfriends school building, waiting to ask him what the hell was going on last night.

Narrator POV: 

     The only thing anyone noticed was different about Nagito after his breakdown was his cleanliness. He had in fact woke up with hardened blood covering his arms, so he was forced to take a shower. He also brushed his hair for the first time in a long time, so it looked much slicker and shinier than normal, though nothing could stop it from sticking up at odd angles like a hand full of nothing but broken fingers. The washed, brushed, sweet smelling Nagito was something his 14 classmates had never seen before. 

Earlier Today,

     "Shiny!" Ibuki exclaimed, running up to the classmate that had just entered the classroom. She put her hands in his hair. "Hajime's going to loooooove this!" At her exclamation, the rest of the class turned. Nagito wasn't early today like he usually was because of the aforementioned shower. "M-Morning Ibuki." Nagito said. "I- I took a shower." He said lightly, scratching the back of his head. The very last thing he needed was them getting suspicious of his reasons. "You showered? Unlike you, but I'm proud!" Everyone's big sister, Mahiru, was giving words of cautious encouragement. Her girlfriend on the other hand, "I don't believe it!" Hiyoko said mockingly. "The dirty bitch boy showered? Could you and Hajime's ~nighttime activities~ have anything to do with this?" Hiyoko giggled and grabbed onto Mahiru's arm. No one could get mad at her for being a bully if Mahiru was right there. Mahiru looked down at Hiyoko and smiled. She couldn't be mad at anything the object of her admiration said. "Good for you man, took ya long enough." Said the buzz cutted Yakuza. Fuyuhiko seemed in a good mood today. Her hands on Kuzuryu's shoulders, Peko gave Nagito a nod. "Mabey Peko's the reason he's gleeful this morning?" Nagito thought, but would never say. "Funny how something as simple as a shower becomes the talk of the morning." Nagito thought. And he had a point.

    Now the fluffy clean Starbucks depresso was heading out the door, he just wanted to be alone. Running into Hajime... That would be bad. "He always knows what I'm thinking." Nagito muttered to himself. "How I'm feeling, damn, I cant fool him." Nagito continued to mutter, talking to himself in long drooling paragraphs. Thoughts spiraled in his head like a thick black smoke, only released through his mouth when he talked. Absorbed in himself, he didn't hear anything around him, even the sound of his name being called. Shoes clacking, mouth running, hair flowing, he walked without concrete destination, oblivious to the boy stopped in front of him. He kept walking and slammed right into the chest of... "Could you not hear me?" Hajime said exasperated. Nagito looked his boyfriend, the boy he had almost plowed over. A long pause, neither say a word, till the heavy atmosphere is cut by five words out of Hinata's mouth. "Did you brush your hair?" Hajime inquired.

Hajime POV:

     I can see Komaeda, he's muttering to himself. It looks like something is wrong after all. That doesn't help the knot in my chest at all, in fact I feel it tighten as I think about what could be going on. "Nagito!" I shout to him, but no response is given. Wow. He's really up in his head right now. "Nagito!" No response again, but he's getting closer. "Komaeda!!" I say, and he's like five steps away from running straight into me now. I don't really mind if he does but, and then he runs right into my chest and freezes. Is he nervous about something? The way he tensed up when he ran into me. "Damn he's cold" I think. I put my hands on his shoulders. "Could you not hear me?" Damnit. The words come out like I'm kinda angry, but I'm not. I'm worried. Hella worried. He slowly looked up and met my eyes. I almost scream. "Gotta stay calm." I think. His eyes, they look faded, more grey than green, and red around the edges. My breathing catches, I almost choke. What the fuck do I say? He looks like he might start crying at one wrong word. What the fuck happened last night. He, he seemed fine yesterday. WHAT THE HELL?!? I look away from his eyes, take my hands off his shoulders. "Breathe Hajime, don't freak- wait." My train of thought is interrupted with a new thought, and this one I actually voice out loud. "Did you brush your hair?" 

     I ask, because its obvious he did. He never does hygiene things, even when I beg him. My nervousness turns to confusion. What? He seems tense at my question. Crap, did I say the wrong thing? But then, he smiles. Is it forced? "Yeah" He says. And he widens his smile. "You always had hope I'd start taking care of myself like that eventually right? So I indulged in that hope!" All of this he says happily, but its off. Its way off. "Are you..." There! His tone changed. He sounds wary now. "Ok  with this?" He finishes. Now he's waiting for my reply. And I don't think through my next couple of words carefully. "Nagito..." I start. "are you... lying to me?" He tenses again and I see him move to wrap his arm around himself. Shit. He always does that when he's about to do something crazy. "Nagito, whatever your thinking right now, just say it." I say, slight panic rising in my voice. I've helped him build a somewhat okay reputation, but if he's planning to blow up the cafeteria again his life is going to crumble. I cant let that happen. He starts to laugh lightly. God FUCKING DAMNIT. This is bad. He was fine yesterday. He was fine yesterday. He was fine yesterday. He was fine yesterday. He was fine yester- "How could I lie to you?" He says. "The kind reserve course student who tolerates me, the boy who believes I can be sane. Full of hope for me, the most hopeless trash out there. How could I lie... to you?" I still don't believe him. But I need time to figure out what to say. "Ok then." I put my hand in his newly washed hair. I giggle slightly. I've never felt it washed before. "Your hair is great washed. Thanks for doing some hygienic stuff for me." He turns completely red. He's cute, and though I made be scared, I cant stop loving him. I wont ever stop loving him. "I have to go..." He mumbles, and I'm suspicious. The knot in my chest tightens. It hurts, god it hurts, but I let him leave. "Ok." I choke slightly, and kiss him lightly on the check. "Love you clover boy." He puts his hands at his sides and walks away. He doesn't even look back. Damn it.

     Authors Note: I got writers block in the middle of this chapter and it took so long to finish. But achieve your dreams kids, cause I was able to finish it anyway! By the way, If anyone wants do do fanart pertaining to any of the chapters of this fic, I'll put your fanart as the header! So if you have an art book and like draw, make some fanart and tag me in your art book. As always thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy the next chapter. Stay safe guys!

𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘷𝘦𝘴, 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 ~𝙆𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙖Where stories live. Discover now