Fret & Fuss

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4:40, 80 minutes before Nagito was on the bridge

Chiaki POV:

"*yawn*" A pink blob swallows yellow blobs on my screen, as I head to fight the duck. (AN: This sounds weird as fuck but I promise this is a reference to a real game, and if you think about it you'll get it I promise.) I think final boss is the knight? I push a button, hear a sound effect, progress in the game. "*yawn*" I hope I don't run into anything. I play as I walk, feeling my backpack bounce against me with every stop. "Hajime seemed off today, nervous." I mutter quietly to myself, because its true. And because I don't have anything else to do, I orient myself in the direction of his room and walk that way. "Poyo!" Says my gaming system, its a cute noise. I think I like this game. Its classic after all. Beeping, clicking, and "Poyo!" noises accompany my trip to Hinata's room, and I manage to open the door with my foot to avoid taking my hands off the system. I'm at the end of chapter 3, and yes, the knight was the final boss. I almost to Hinata's room so I lower the system from my face and see... 

     Nagito? He's laughing, and he just stepped out of his room. He hasn't noticed me down the hallway from him, and I'm just in time to hear him mutter though his deranged chuckling. "Weights" he says. "Weights will make me sink faster..." He laughs harder and heads to the rec type area, presumably toward the gym judging from what he said. "Sink?" I mutter, and my heart skips a beat. He may be a little tipsy but I don't want my classmate to get hurt, I don't want anyone to get hurt. But my gut tells me something is about to get Nagito hurt, so I resolve to find Hinata even faster. He's obviously not in his room or he would have heard Komaeda, but there's no way he stayed behind at the reserve course building either. So, its likely he went to the Ultimate course building. If that happened though, he would have run into Nagito already. Assuming that, it probably didn't go well and Hinata's upset. "So the fountain!" I say with resolve. "If Hajime is upset, he'll be in the same place he always is when he's frustrated, the place I met him. The fountain!" I stuff my game in my bag. I'd love to game my way out of the stress I'm feeling right now, but I'm learning when to put the DS away. I take off running towards my destination.

Hinata POV:

     I want to scream so much right now. I messed up. This is my fault. If only I'd payed more attention... Hindsight is 20/20, and I can see now that he's been having issues for weeks, he just hid them. When was the last time he came to me with a problem again? When was the last time we had a personal conversation? I thought not hearing bad news from him was a good thing, that he was getting better! But he was slipping right in front of my eyes and I didn't even TRY to catch him. I wonder what he's doing right now... I turn unto my back. I'm here in the sun, laying on the edge of the fountain. I can hear the water rushing, the birds tweeting. The sun warms my shirt, and focusing on my surroundings instead on my thoughts helps me feel better. "ahh." I let out a sigh instead of a scream. "Calm down Hajime, Its just one fight... and it wasn't really a fight." I say to myself. I don't really know weather that was I fight or not, more like tension. Ill go talk to him. "Yeah..." I mutter. I sit up, and swing my legs over the side of the fountain, prepping to stand. Water sprays my head a little and I'm reminded of Nagito freshly washed hair. "What the hell was that about?" I think, but I don't dwell on that thought for long. As soon as I look forward, I see Chiaki, running. Chiaki almost never runs. 

     "Nanami?" I ask, and I stand, the sun now heating different parts of my shirt. "Hajime..." She says, breathlessly. How far did she run to get here. I'm about to ask, when she interrupts me with words of her own. "You got to find Komaeda Hajime." She says, and when I look at her face, I see nothing but fear and worry in her eyes. And all that nervous fear I had tried so hard to banish from my chest comes back in a rush and I feel my entire being is going to collapse in on itself. My lungs are a hole that everything inside me is falling into, because I know exactly what she means when she tells me I have to find him. She means I have to find him now, or something fatal is going to happen. "Get Chisa." I say sternly, and she nods. Now its my turn to take off running. Now its my turn to not look back.

     I don't even know where I'm going. Wherever Chiaki saw him, he's probably not there now. I stop running for a second, I NEED to cool down my adrenaline but damn. The boy I love is in danger, and I don't want to make it through high school without him. I want to hear him laugh some more, I want to hear his voice some more, I want to hear him ramble some more, I want to live through all his wacky impossible scenarios with him. Tears sting the back of my eyes, but I cant cry. Not here. Not now. I don't want him to die. As I try to think of what to do, one of the class 78 kids comes running up to me purposefully. Taka, I think is what I heard his friends call him. He's the one whos really strict on rules. "Sir!" He addresses me. Normally, I'd take the time to tell him not to be so formal, but I just want him to get through whatever he needs to say quickly. "You are a class 77 student, correct?" "Uh- no." I say confusedly. It should be obvious to an ultimate that I am not one, but I add "I'm really good friends with all of them though, so I hang around." for good measure. "Oh! Good!" he says "So you would know white haired boy from that class, Komaeda?" Nagito! My heart gives a leap and I feel hope course through my veins. "Yes!" I say with a little too much enthusiasm in my voice. "Do you know where he is?!?" I say still hoping for a miracle, an lo-and-behold, it comes. "I do in fact!" Says the boy. "He was in the gym as I was there, and then apparently headed to the bus stop. I have this on authority of the Ultimate baseball star, as he called me while on the bus and claimed to have had a very interesting conversation with the boy. Would you by any chance happen to be his boyfriend? Leon mentioned Komaeda had one." What kind of conversation did he have? Whatever. I don't care as long as I get to know where he got off. "Yeah. I say. "That would be me. Where did Nagito get off?" Taka straightens. "Something strange is happening with that boy, I would head over to the bridge immediately! He asked to be dropped off at the bridge construction site, and he was towing a crate of weights with him from the gym." "Damnit." Oops, said that out loud. This is bad. Really bad. "I'll head over there right now. Thanks so much." I say this last part genuinely, I am very grateful. He bows, and I take off running to the parking lot. 

     You have to be 18 to drive in Japan, but motorcycles are the exception. Me and Nagito were supposed to get our licenses together, but he crashed his, so much so it caught on fire. I was the only one who passed. A motorcycle is faster than a public bus especially if I speed. Who gives a damn. I hop on, and screw my helmet cause I don't even bother putting it on. Hands on the handlebars, cold icy wind on my neck, I take off. "I'm coming babe."

AN: So in my original plan for this book, this chapter didn't even exist, but now it does! So yeah! Chiaki POV! Seriously though this all came out of my brain unexpectedly, but I did want more Hajime focus so it works out. So next chapter! Next chapter is the moment you've all been waiting for. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy next chapter.

𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘷𝘦𝘴, 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 ~𝙆𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙖Where stories live. Discover now