Future Fulgent Clover

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Present Day, 1 week after the bridge incident.

     Nagito sat at his desk in the morning. Jittery, anxious, confused. These feelings didn't go away, but... he had hope. The thing he loved so much to witness, he could feel it in his chest like a heartbeat. Hope. Startling the recovering boy, Hajime snuck up behind his boyfriend, sliding his arms around Komaeda's ribs. Head leaning on the anxious boys shoulder, he began his morning check up that he now did every morning, standard practice. "Hows my favorite man today?" Hajime asked lightly. Nagito still wasn't quite used to this morning routine however, and still tensed at the question. "Um.." he started. "Well its a little hard to breathe... my chest hurts... so..."How do you express? What words to use when your entire body feels out of place and wrong? "Breathe a little." Was what Hajime replied. And with a deep breath, Nagito focused on the warmth of Hajime's arms around him, and the feeling of his jaw on his shoulder. Another breath and "Anxious." Nagito replied. "I feel a little anxious this morning." Hajime unwrapped his arms from Komaeda's ribs and sat down next to him. Looking at each other face to face, Hajime asked "Anything I can do to help?" Nagito fidgeted with his fingers and looked down. Why was affection so weird feeling? Did he deserve this? "Can we... go somewhere later today?" Nagito said lightly. "Like we used to before I um... got bad?" Hajime smiled. Giving the other boys hair a ruffle, he answered. "Sure. The bowling alley sound good?" Nagito's eyes got a little brighter "Yeah!" He replied semi-enthusiastically. "I'll pay too," Nagito started, "Common courtesy for the man to pay" He said jokingly. Hajime laughed, the sound reverberating across the classroom as he stood up. "Alright then." He said. "Time for me to go to class." And as he turned to leave the room. "Wait!" Nagito said hurriedly. Hajime turned back and looked at Komaeda quizzically. "You... never told me how you were." Nagito stated lightly. "Hows... Hows my boyfriend doing?" Hajime gave him a wide smile, one comparable to the sun. "I'm doing pretty good. Thank you for asking." And still smiling, his day made, Hajime left the room. Nagito felt heat in his face, a blush spreading from his ears to his nose. "Maybe..." he thought to himself. "Maybe I'll be alright."

Two broken hearts lay side by side

One hates to live, and one wants to die

And they lay, just lay

they don't know what to say

how can a word make his pain go away?

Two broken hearts who love one another

Their both in pieces but there're broken together

And one has tape and one has glue

So if they help each other out, they might just get through

Two broken boys can they figure it out?

When one starts to laugh and one starts to shout?

But they both hope, when this is all over

That they'll be Talented Thriving Ultimate

And Future Fulgent Clover

Thanks for reading! We'll see you next time!

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This has been Hate Ourselves, Love Eachother -Komahina


...THE END...

𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘷𝘦𝘴, 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 ~𝙆𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙖Where stories live. Discover now