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Nagito POV:

I remember... way back then. 

The day we got together, when Hajime said he loved me. Me? He loved me? Still now, I can't see how even a reserve course student would love trash like me.

Narrator POV:

3 months ago...

     "That freaks mumbling to himself again... what the fuck's his deal?" A short haired blonde could be found in a sunny classroom, gossiping. He didn't think he could be heard by anyone but the greasy mechanic sitting next to him, Souda. But in reality the object of their gossip could hear them speaking, and Komaeda, whether conscious of the pain or not, was somewhat hurt by their words. He had always been considered a freak, no matter what his intentions were. Komaeda turned slightly in Kuzuryu's direction, and it was in that moment Kuzuryu realized his white toped peer could hear his hurtful words. Komaeda quickly tried to make sure Kuzuryu didn't feel bad for mocking him. "Its only natural for a ultimate like you to mock trash like me" He said to the yakuza. "After all, I am only here as a stepping stone, even a reserve course student is more fit to be in this classroom than me, an eyesore of a fellow." Komaeda meant this, he had actually grown fond of Hinata over time, accepting him as a friend of the ultimate's instead of talking down to him. At the mention of the reserve course, Hinata perked up, and came over, his shoes clacking on the wood floor. "You know, you really need to stop beating yourself up like that Nagito", the reserve course student said, using Komaeda's first name. "Your just as much of an ultimate as anyone else here and your not trash." Hinata put emphasis on the word not as he said it. Yes, Nagito had come to accept Hinata among the Ultimate's over time, but Hinata had also grown fond of Nagito. Hinata had learned to look beyond the over-the-top insane way Nagito did things and see his kind and hopeful intentions underneath it all. This is the nature of how their friendship had grown over the school year.

     "I'm grateful you entertain a friendship with a lowly human like myself" replied Nagito, holding his hands up with an undertone of insanity. "You can use me as a stepping stone for your own dreams, your own hopes! You can use me to get closer to your dream of becoming an Ultimate. Some may say no one can obtain more talent but you use those words to persevere, and fly even higher!" Nagito said these words with an admirative sense, thinking the hope that Hinata had was pure. But then, why did he look so angry? Looking at Hinata's face, it was obvious his praising words had irked the ahoged brunette. Why was he angry? "Hajime-" Nagito started but he was cut off. "Shut up!" Hajime shouted. "Just shut up! Your not lowly, and I'm not going to use you!" There was a fire in Hajime's chest now, and all his words that wanted to escape threatened to spill out at once. "How many times do I have to explain?" Hajime continued to shout, the atmosphere of the classroom changing, and now the entire class was watching in curiosity. Kuzuryu started to wonder what his idle gossip had started. "I can tell you've got more going on than this self deprecation bullshit! Your an ultimate too, so start acting like it! I'm friends with you because I can tell you are more than just a freak," Hajime sneered slightly at Souda as he said this, putting blame on him and not Kuzuryu "and all you need is a little help! Why do you insist and hating yourself so much?!?" An outburst like this was unlike Hajime, and it worried his friends. The stress of his feelings mixed with the decision about surgery he had yet to make had riled him up. "Not even my parents ever viewed me as anything more than disdainful trash" Nagito began to reply in a smaller voice, Hajime's outburst had scared him. He had already developed feelings for the slightly shorter friend of his, though he dared not impose his love on someone he was so unworthy of. He continued his reply, "Why do you think differently? Say differently?" - "Because I'm fucking in love with you!!" Hajime shouted in immediate reply. It didn't take long for him to regret it. The whole class immediately went silent. A moment of quiet passed, uncomfortably, the kind of silence that has weight and volume to it. And then, small chatter began around the classroom, filling the silence.  

     "Another homo?" said Owari quizzically, not really caring either way. "Seems so" replied Nidai, also not reacting much to the news. "Ever since Mahiru and Hiyoko got together, potential coupling seem to have been appearing everywhere." Said Peko coolly to her master. "Though I always assumed Ibuki and Mikan would be next to come out" "tch! we're all just high schoolers, in my opinion they should stop fucking around with this stuff" muttered Kuzuryu, a slight blush spreading across his face, he looked away, hiding it from Peko. "WHATTTTT?" Souda up-roared. "He's into DUDES? I totttally thought he was going for Chiaki man!" At the mention of Chiaki's name, many of the students turned to look at her, wondering what her reaction would be. But no jealousy could be found in her eyes. No jealousy, no surprise, no anger. Just an encouraging smile pointed in Hajime's direction. She, and only she, had seen this coming. And she was anticipating it, smart girl.

     All this noise had been tuned out and unregistered by the two boys, however. Hajime was staring sideways down at the floor, refusing to look anyone in the eyes. And Nagito was staring bewildered at the boy he had fallen in love with, the boy who had just confessed. He didn't know what to say, what to do. This, he could say for certain, had never happened before. Thus they stood, unmoving. Finally Hajime looked up, meeting Chiaki's eyes, not Nagito's. Her saw her smile, and calmed down a little. "What's done is done" he thought to himself. "I've got to face it now." He turned his gaze to the fluffy haired object of his love, and met his eyes. With this simple gesture, he made Nagito do something he hadn't done (not insanely anyway) for a while. He made Nagito smile. 

     "Really?" Nagito said. That was it. One word. And then Hajime smiled back at him and replied with one word of his own. "Dumbass"

Authors Note:

I wrote a thing :) I'm not the greatest writer, but I really did put effort into this so I hope its at least ok. I've kind of been projecting my own feelings into Nagito for a while now, (laughs) so I wanted to try writing about him as well, and I'm a sucker for sad Komahina fics. I love reading them and I recently read one that inspired me to write one of my own! The one I read had Hajime saving Nagito from a suicide attempt, and that's the moment I decided to write one of my own, so you can expect to see something like that in the future, if you keep reading. I tweaked Nagito's perception of Hajime's reserve Course student status a little bit, I hope that doesn't make anyone mad. I also put emphasis on the words "Decision about surgery" because I wanted to clearly state that Hajime is not Izuru yet, Izuru doesn't even exist yet. I hope that came across correctly. I also included some sub-plot stuff about other ships, so just to be clear some Mahiyoko, Band-aid, Kuzupeko, Akanidai, Ishimondo, and Sondam might pop up. (Hajime and Chiaki are really good friends, nothing more.) Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the fic, honestly I'm surprised I published it. Expect it to get much more depressing >:D

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