Fatality & Fidelity

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6:20 P.M.

Narrator POV:

     Grey muted stone was a fitting color for the bridge where Nagito planned to lose his life. It matches his eyes, his soul. Red accents traced the edges. They matched his heart, his arms. Komaeda's hair tousled in the breeze as he inched along the edge of the overpass. Right on the edge, inches from extinction. Moving himself into a sitting position, the boy swung his legs over the edge of the concrete and steel. He pulled his arms out of the polyester green sleeves of his jacket, and tied it to the steel beam of the bridge. Hinata was smart. He'd find out what happened to his boyfriend eventually, and he'd find the memento of his lover. Nagito touched the jacket with his scratched fingers. "I hope this will all mean something." He muttered. "I hope it'll be worth it I left this." Even now, the broken boy refused to cry. Not now, not ever. He vowed to keep a smile on his face even as he plummeted to the water. Nagito took his hand off the jacket and stared at the icy water. "I wont be able to breathe..." He said, stating the obvious, and he smiled. god he smiled. Again he re-adjusted his legs, and stood back up. He glanced at his arms, torn and raw. He imagined his face looked sunken and ugly as well. Here he stood. *Clack Clack Clack* came a noise from the distance. Whatever. He reached over and with effort and elbow grease he tied the weights to his feet. *Clack Clack Clack* One step is all it takes really, to end a life. A person, laughing, breathing, years of memories packed in their heads, can be gone, just like that, in an instant. Humans really are so fragile. *Clack Clack Clack* came a noise, louder, closer. "Hope." Nagito whispered to himself. "We all could use a little hope." Breathless air came from his lips to make these final words. And with that he leaned. God he leaned. And one foot barley on the steel of the bridge he started to go over the side. But... But... he didn't fall. 

     One foot off the bridge, one foot on, full weight put forward, over the edge. Gravity says that the bleeding boy, cold inside and out, should have fallen into the water. He turned to face the opposite direction, where his arm seems to be caught in the hands of... "Hajime!" Nagito let out a cry. Surprise, Fear, Ambivalence, Longing, all four emotions could be heard in his one word. He thought for a moment, just a moment, of leaning farther back, going over the bridge even while in Hinata's grip. But that would take the only boy Nagito still cared for with him in his plunge to hell, and that was out of the question for the shamrock boy. "Damnit Nagito are you ok? Why?!?" Hajime screamed with passion at the boy he was gripping by the arm. He didn't understand. "I'm fine." Nagito replied, no emotion in his voice this time. Hajime knew his reply was bullshit though, and he said so. "Bullshit!" Hajime continued to scream. "I find you on the edge of suicide, covered in cuts, and when I ask you if your ok you say your fine?!? Your full of shit you know that? I thought..." Hajime looked like he was going to cry. And if their was one thing Nagito didn't want Hajime to do right now, its cry. "I thought we were a team. I loved you, I still do!" And then the tears started to spill, you could see them, glistening on the edge of Hinata's eyes. Komaeda flinched, his eyes going wide. There were those three words again, the ones he didn't understand. And now his eyes stung too, Hajime could see it. And with all the strength Hajime had in him, he heaved Nagito off the side of the bridge into his arms. The weights on Komaeda's feet snapped, and fell into the water below with a splash, but neither of the boys were concerned with the weights anymore. That's when Nagito started to cry too. Large, heaving sobs that racked him to his core, leaving no air left left in his lungs and no room to stop himself from crying. His whole body vibrated in Hajime's arms, but his boyfriend didn't mind one bit that Nagito was crying. Nagito was safe, and that's all that mattered. Hajime wasn't mad anymore. all adrenaline and anger had left him and he was left with relief. His boyfriend was safe. They could still fix this.

     Hajime didn't try and talk to Komaeda as he cried. He just gave his boy a squeeze, and let him soak his shoulder with his tears. Nagito talked eventually though. He dug his hands into Hajime's shirt and asked the question he needed to ask. "How *hiccup* How do you even like me? Its just luck... Its all just luck..." He cried more before he could finish his sentence, sobs heaving themselves out of his chest. "I don't even like me. I DON'T EVEN LIKE ME! I hate myself, there's no way in hell you, beautiful flawless perfect Hajime would like me. My own mother never even said she liked me! I've never ever had a friend that bothered to stick around! But you came along and said 'I love you' like it was nothing. I hate myself! I don't deserve any of this! You'd realize that if I took my trash self out of your perfect life!" Nagito had so many words he never said trapped inside his infrastructure and they all bubbled out at once. Hajime was astounded. "I..." he said softly. "I hate myself too." He said. It was no lie. Hajime hated the way he never could be an ultimate, hated the way he always had to depend on others, hated... well himself. He questioned letting hopes peak turn him into a completely different person. But he didn't. Why exactly didn't he? "You, hate yourself too?" Nagito said in soft reply. "Yeah. I don't like me either. But I feel ok with myself, if that makes sense." Hajime replied looking up like he reminiscing. Nagito didn't really understand. "How?" He asked with a word. And his lover looked him right in the eyes before he replied. "Because, I love you. and you love me. And if you can like me, I can like myself too." And with that the puzzle pieces fell into place. With a little communication, these two boys could figure it out. "We can hate ourselves, but we'll figure in out, cause we love each other."

~ 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘷𝘦𝘴, 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 ~

AN: Wooooooow we did it little shits, we wrote a book. Thank you so much for reading this all the way to the climax. If you ever find yourself thinking nothing but bad thoughts, and you can't break the chain yourself, text a friend. There's someone out there who will listen, I assure you. And if when you read all you could think was. "Tch. I dont have anyone." Your wrong cause wattpad has messages and you could come message me <3 Sometimes you just need another person to help you out a little, and that's ok! cause we're all human and here together. I hope you enjoyed the book, there are still two more chapters to come out, but you've reached the climax! So thanks!

𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘷𝘦𝘴, 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 ~𝙆𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙖Where stories live. Discover now