Fervent yet Faultless

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7:30 AM, Present Day

Hajime POV:

     *ding dong bing bong!* I can hear it faintly, as if from far away, but I know the sound is coming from right next to me. *ding dong bing bong!* the sound persists again. "Grmnn..." I grumble, turning over on my side. Its to early for this, its always to early for this. *ding dong bing bo-* "UGH" I grumble again, louder. I turn over and smack the button on my phone, turning off my alarm. (This ain't no body discovery announcement this time around, sorry guys upupupu) Somewhere in my brain I can feel the urge to pull the sheets back over me and continue to rest, but I know its time to get up, so I throw my legs over the side of the bed and stand. Time to start today. 

     I'm Hajime Hinata, a reserve course student at the most prestigious high school in japan, the world even, Hopes Peak Academy. Through a stroke of luck I became friends with the ultimate's of class 77-B through a gamer named Chiaki. Now I'm accepted among them as a peer, and bonds between Ultimate's and Reserve Course have never been higher. Yet... "phfff" I let out a sigh. My shoes clack on the cobblestone path, as I head the opposite direction of my class in favor of class 77-B, wanting to see my boyfriend before class starts. Yet... I never feel adequate enough. I don't have an ultimate talent, I got here on money and admiration. Mabey I should surgically get talent... I push the thought from my brain as I walk into the school. No need for drastic measures, right?

Narrator POV:

     The boy's green tie slowly came loose as he walked, his brown messenger backpack swinging side to side. He stopped and faced the door to the room he was about to enter. And then, he entered it. The door creak ever-so quietly as he entered and the few students that were already in the classroom looked Hajime's way. "Ey Hajime!" Shouted a boy in neon all over. The only part of him that wasn't brightly colored was the grease stains on his jumpsuit. Souda was energetic as ever, and despite being a slight slacker he was always early to class, no doubt to always be there before the so dubbed 'Miss Sonia.' "How's it going?" He finished. Hajime looked quizzically at the greasy teen. "Where's your hat?" Hajime asked. Souda always sported a black beanie, but it was nowhere to be seen. Souda looked over his shoulder and shot daggers with his eyes at another one of the boys, this one dressed in nothing BUT black. Tanaka stood in the back of the classroom, and sure enough, Souda's beanie was in his hands. "Why does Gundham have your beanie Kaz?" Hajime asked, using a shortened version of Kazuichi's first name. Kazuichi stopped scowling at the emo in the corner and turned back to Hajime. "Gundham found a injured bird this morning, and since his scarf is full of hamsters, he demanded my beanie be used to comfort the thing." Kazuichi was full of disdain. "Ah, that does explain it." Hajime said hesitantly. He didn't want to get himself into whatever blood-feud those two had going on, so he avoided crossing either. 

     Hajime scanned the classroom. 6 people in it, Hajime included. Peko and Kuzuryu were in a corner diagonal to Gundham, behind the door. And leaning against the windowsill... "Hey Chiaki." Hajime greeted the girl, not sure if she could hear him. The petite girl was leaning against the window playing a Nintendo DS system. (AN: ISTG Nintendo if you sue me I will cry for days and them write SwitchXPSP smut in a rage as revenge) The song 'Pursuit~Cornered' could be heard playing from the handheld device. (AN: Yes I made an Ace Attorney reference. Yes I play it. Just try and judge me. Ok enough Authors Notes on with the story.) The sleepy girl looked up. "hm?" was all she said. Obviously she wasn't totally zoned-in to the world yet, so Hajime repeated himself, hoping this time she'd hear. "Morning Chiaki." He stated in a light voice, leaning on the windowsill next to his friend. "Morning..." replied Chiaki in a very small, drawn out voice, beginning to rub her eyes. "Still not awake yet huh?" Hajime smiled, endearment showing on his face. He'd grown used to the girls constant fatigue, it was slightly funny. "I had to-" Chiaki yawned mid-sentence, breaking her chain of words. "Complete this trial." She finished. "Did you?" Hajime asked. "Complete the trial I mean." At this, Chiaki smiled triumphantly, and turned the gaming system around for Hajime to see. The words "Not Guilty" could be read clearly across the screen. Hajime smiled back at the beaming Chiaki. And then the door to the classroom opened yet again, and as the occupants of the classroom turned to look, a mess of white hair poked through the doorway. 

Nagito POV:

    "Sorry I came so much later than usual, I shouldn't have made you wait." I say to the room. "I had to carry all of this here." I hold up the four plastic bags in my hands, the cause of my tardiness. "I say, what lucre has your blessed curse obtained today Nagito?" I hear a deep voice from the corner speak, and I turn and look at the scar faced breeder, Gundham. "You know me too well." I say friendly. Sometimes its hard to act so friendly with my classmates, after all I am so beneath them. Trash like me... I stop my thought dead in its track, Hajime doesn't like it when I'm so pessimistic to myself, but I really cant help it. Damn, I'm not good enough for him in any way, I cant even think correctly. Speaking of Hajime... "Morning Clover Boy" says Hajime. He came up with that nickname himself. "Your luck is definitely an ultimate level talent" He had said. "Having so much luck, you bring good fortune to both of us. Your my four leaf clover boy"  yep, he definitely thought too highly of me. I looked up at my lovers face and could still hear my own voice in my brain, chanting your unworthy at beautiful boy I now looked at. My boyfriend. Sometimes I wish my head would shut the fuck up. But looking at his smiling face I could see he was happy looking at me, and that forced my face to contort into a smile as well. 

     I held up the bags once again. "I walked past a pastry vendor on the way here, and apparently I was the 100th person to walk by!" I start the story of how I came by four bags stuffed full of all sorts of pastry's, everything from doughnuts to fritters. "So they gave me a bunch of free products." I continue, god your voice is so annoying  "When they found out I was a hope's peak student they gave me two more bags, and well that was that." I chuckle. I don't know how the owner of the vendors supposed I would eat this much. Kazuichi talks first, "I don't know how you do it." He says semi-warily, shaking his head, as if my good luck will bring him bad luck. "Well its great of you to come and share" Hajime says, still smiling. You trash, you tricked him into liking you. See how he smiles? You asshole. "I could never eat this much." I say truthfully. "I thought I'd bring some to class 78 too, there's a girl there who loves doughnuts." I heard about Asahina through another Ultimate lucky student I've had the pleasure of meeting, Makoto Naegi. "Well we better eat this soon before I have to leave for my class." Hajime states. I know he wakes up extra early to come see me before his class, I don't know why he bothers. "Alright." I reply. We all sit near the center of the classroom, other classmates slowly arriving as we eat. Light conversation is made, and I take a little bit of liberty and rest my head on Hajime's shoulder as I slowly munch on an apple fritter I'm not really enjoying. Hajime's warm. I cant believe he doesn't mind me being this close. Its kinda nice. "You look down today." He says softly to me. "So feel better ok? I love you." My heart hurts when he says that, and I cant tell why. "I love you too." I replied. And god I meant it.

     Authors Note : Another chapter!!! Intrusive thoughts are a little bitch, but writing about them helps. I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Somewhere along the way I decided every chapter was going to start with the letter F for no fuckin reason, so yeah here is "Fervent yet Faultless." Which basically means "Nagito may be insane, but he's good anyway." Anyway, thanks for continuing to read this even past the first chapter, It means a lot. I hope the way I bolded and Italicized and Underlined wasn't to confusing. May your mental health increase, and thanks for reading! Tell me if you find a grammar mistake.

𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘷𝘦𝘴, 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 ~𝙆𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙖Where stories live. Discover now