episode ;10

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Kang-woo tells the reporters that he's considering marriage with In-ah, which sets off a wave of fan protests at their beloved star being linked to the bitchy actress of limited talents.

In-ah's initially pleased to hear the unexpected news of Kang-woo's intentions, until her assistant starts reading her some of the comments. They're all about how Kang-woo's wasted on her, so In-ah tells her assistant to put up a comment in support of her. The the immediate netizen response is: "Do you work for In-ah? You're In-ah, right?" Heh.

Myung-wol is crushed, for the dual reason of liking Kang-woo and (probably more importantly) the fact that failure to win him over means death and dishonor.

This pisses off Chairman Joo, who understands that Kang-woo is rebelling. He can't exactly find fault with Kang-woo's response, though, which is that In-ah has been dangling after him so persistently that he decided to date her after all.

Chairman Joo accuses Kang-woo of backstabbing the person who made him into a star out of nothing, but Kang-woo returns that he got here on his own work — the chairman only threw him support once it became clear Kang-woo would be a good investment.

On his way out, Kang-woo runs into In-ah, who's always has to look that gift horse in the mouth; she got what she wanted, but she snits that he didn't ask her before making the announcement. He offers to cancel it, so she backpedals and tries to save face by telling him she'll date him, since he wants it so much. Kang-woo lets her preserve her pride and tells her thanks, but adds, "And sorry."

In-ah brags to her assistant that her bold moves have paid off, which is so not the lesson she should be taking from this.

Kang-woo thinks back to his early trainee days, when Chairman Joo had seen him dance and brutally declared him a lost cause. Resentful and indignant, Kang-woo had spoken up and vowed to make him regret that judgment, earning him a slap and some more insults.

Myung-wol asks why Kang-woo helped her with her audition, and he replies that he felt sorry for her. Using her own words about marrying to turn her fortune around, he says he's doing the same thing with In-ah, so she'd best give up now.

She only digs in her heels deeper, vowing to succeed and change his mind.

Chairman Joo won't let Kang-woo dictate this scenario, so he goes into damage control mode, telling the press that Kang-woo's announcement was one-sided: In-ah only sees him as a good friend.

That means In-ah's bubble bursts right away, hearing that her own reps have declared the dating rumors false. To keep her from interfering with his intentions, Chairman Joo orders Ryu to keep her confined to the house, using force if necessary. (It's necessary.)

Kang-woo hears that Chairman Joo plans to speak to the press today at the book launch of his autobiography. It's likely that he's going to bring out the big guns against Kang-woo, so Kang-woo decides he'll have to swing by the event himself. He orders Myung-wol to pick up an order of congratulatory flowers and accompany him.

Spy Mom and Dad contemplate their dire circumstanaces over soju, worrying that with Kang-woo's romance out in the public, it really is too late for them to alter their fates. Dae-kang joins them in glum spirits, but for a different reason: He's seen the latest news from In-ah's camp denying the rumors, and that kills his hopes that this will free Myung-wol's affections. Immediately our spies cheer up and exult.

Kang-woo strolls into Chairman Joo's launch event, bombarded with questions regarding his relationship. Kang-woo shoots a challenging look at the chairman and announces that this is his answer — and grabs In-ah in for a kiss.

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