Episode: 13

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Kang-woo sees Myung-wol sneak in and take the goddamn book of mystical secrets, breaking his heart into little bits all over that diamond ring in his hand. Worst timing ever for a B&E.

He does the scariest thing — okay maybe only for me because my dad used to do this when I tried to sneak in and out of the house — he sits on the couch in the dark and flips on the lights just as she's about to walk out.

She quickly puts the book behind her back and makes up an excuse about having to run off and see her parents, as his heart sinks further to catch her knee-deep in lies. She manages to get out, and stops to look at the book regretfully.

At the same time, Kang-woo sits and stares at the ring, twisting the knife in his own heart. Then he gets up and suddenly reaches under the piano... where he's stashed the REAL book! Ooooh, smartypants. No wait, that means she's got the wrong book! How will she rescue Ryu now? Aaaargh, I'm so torn.

He talks to it as if wanting it to answer back, "She must have a reason. There must be a reason..." Aw, he wants to trust her. His desperation, his desire to cling to his trust — it totally makes up for the assy denial earlier.

Myung-wol brings the book to Chairman Joo, asking why he's so interested in these books, and if he has anything to do with Kang-woo's father's death. He turns the same question on her, wondering why she and Ryu are after the same books, and who they really are.

He snidely congratulates her friendship with Ryu, saying that it must be something special if she's willing to betray the man she loves. Ouch. That stabs her right where it hurts. He digs a little further, adding that poor Kang-woo knows nothing and trusts her completely.

She gives up the book after asking for his word to hand over Ryu, and he thankfully doesn't have an expert on hand to tell him that it's a fake. Only once outside, he tells his minions to kill Ryu anyway since they confiscated the two books he had, and no longer need him.

Myung-wol waits and follows them to Ryu. Wait, so then why did she do the exchange in the first place? What did she gain from that? Sigh. I suppose I should just be thankful she only gave up the dummy book in the useless exchange in which she gained nothing. Bah.

The minions move Ryu outside (because killing him in the basement isn't public enough) and In-ah happens upon the scene. He manages to hulk out of his ropes and grab her as a hostage.

He whispers, "I'm sorry. And thank you," before flinging her at the baddies and running off. They give chase, but Myung-wol arrives on her bike to speed him away to safety.

Chairman Joo declares that having the books is not enough. Ryu knows too much, and needs to be found and killed. Again.

Meanwhile In-ah is all spun around from her hostage moment, only she's mostly attracted, not scared. Ha. She admits that Ryu was pretty badass, and then catches herself and tries to snap out of it.

Myung-wol brings Ryu to her apartment and he tries to leave, not wanting to put her in more danger. But she tells him that he's in no condition to move, and the other agents know nothing of this mission, which means it's safest to stay with her.

She puts his arm around her and they walk in, which is the scene that Kang-woo watches from his car across the street. Oh dear, oh dear. That looks bad from far away. His eyes narrow, "For that guy? Lying to me... for him?"

Upstairs, Myung-wol treats Ryu's wounds and frets over his condition. He tries to push her hand away because it clearly breaks his heart to even be near her, and he apologizes for bringing her into this mess.

She tells him that he's being ridiculous, since to her he's not only a comrade, but family. She says that after her father died, he became just like a father to her. He sighs as he repeats her words: "Like family... A father... That's what I am to you."

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