chapter one // meddling.

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Louis' POV

"Thank you all so much, again! We cannot thank you enough for coming out and seeing us! Have a great rest of the night everyone!" Liam says our goodbyes as we catch our breath, ending the concert with 'What Makes You Beautiful' because that's the song that started it all. 

With a wave to the unbelievably loud crowd, we rush off stage. Immediately we're greeted by towels and water bottles. I gulp down the icy cold water until it's gone, letting some of it dribble down and soak my t-shirt. 

The amount of sweat we accumulate in one performance is truly disgusting. 

The lads and I receive high fives from our team, congratulating us on another solid performance here in Las Vegas. It's one of the biggest shows we'll do on tour, so we had a bit of pre-show jitters. Now that the show's over, we have time to relax. 

Simon and Eddie were kind enough to give us the night off here in the big city. Unlike after most performances where we're being shoved on the tour bus and being shipped to the next venue, we get to sleep in like actual human beings.

But none of us have plans of actually sleeping; not here in Las Vegas. It would just be foolish on our part if we didn't spend our free night out on the town. 

"Ready to hit the town, mate? See if there are any Las Vegas beauties out there?" Harry throws his arm around my shoulder as I button up my loose black shirt.

Being the only single guy in the group, it's been no surprise that finding me a girl has constantly been on everyone else's mind. It seems they're always pointing out pretty girls that encounter us, as if I'll just pluck some girl off the street and date her.

I'm not Harry.

"I'm ready to let loose and enjoy my night, not worry about anything at all," I roll my eyes and slip into my matching black Toms. 

Harry just sends me a cheeky grin and throws a jacket on over his deep v-neck white t-shirt, showing off the tattoos on his chest. The other lads seem just as excited as he is to go out. Niall and Liam are making Zayn laugh with a stupid dance move they've picked up on.

"Now boys, no trouble tonight. I want to see you all ready to hit the road at noon tomorrow; no later," Tyler - our tour manager - tells us, giving us a stern look. 

"Of course, Ty-Ty! We'll be little angels," I give him an innocent grin that makes him shake his head with doubt.

"Las Vegas, here we come!" Zayn cheers, leading the way out of our dressing room.

We all give Tyler a pat on the back as we head out of the back stage doors, followed closely by Paul and our other bodyguards. 

This night couldn't have come at a better time.

* * * *

The loud music thumps through the ground of the night club as we all dance crazily on the dance floor, not caring at all that practically everyone in the club has been watching us the entire night. The girls that have been talking to us the entire evening keep getting closer.

We get this a lot; really nice fans that act super chill and everything. But once it gets time to leave, they act all seductive and try to leave with us. I'm sure these girls are no different. And I'm also sure that the lads will try to get me to leave with one of them.

Not gonna happen.

It's not that I'm never going to date anyone ever again. I'm sure some day I'll find a nice girl and I'll settle down with her. It's just that after Juliet, I'm going to be a little bit more cautious to who exactly I open myself up to. I don't want to make another mistake like that again.

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