chapter nine // little talks.

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Louis' POV

A week has passed since Mia has joined us on tour. A week has passed since I somehow managed to convince that mysterious girl to take a leap of faith. A week has passed since I squeezed beside her in her bunk and comforted her, in the most discreet way possible.

A week has passed; a mere seven days. Yet, I feel as if Mia has belonged here her entire life. She works in perfect sync beside Tyler before each show, being able to fix last minute emergencies with a snap of her finger. After shows when we're unwinding, Mia's like the missing sixth member, putting her feet up and joking around with us.

All of the boys have certainly taken to Mia as well. I think they're starting to see what I saw when I first met her. She takes some time getting used to, that's for sure. If I hadn't screwed up her night, I don't think I would have ever had the chance to see it. Even though it may have looked like a big mistake at the time, I'm glad I messed up her original plan.

"Welcome to Huston, everyone!" Tyler cheers as we pull into an insanely busy parking lot.

After some begging and pleading - and some threats from Mia's part - we convinced Tyler to let us get a hotel for the night, since we're playing two shows in Huston. Each and every one of us bounce in our seats with our suitcases packed for our night at the hotel. It's been so long since we've been able to sleep in a real bed, like normal human beings.

The minute our bus stops, we hop to our feet, ready to take off at any moment.

"Hold on, Hold on!" Tyler blocks the exit, holding his arms out, "You guys have two hours before we've got to be to the venue. Don't get too cozy," He warns us, especially looking at Niall, who has a tendency of napping and missing dress rehearsal.

With a laugh, we all push past him, racing through the parking lot, towards the hotel lobby. We hear a bit of commotion going on in the parking lot behind us, so we pick up the pace. Mia practically darts past us all, being the one to hate the paparazzi the most, even though they aren't after her.

I remember the first time she ever had to deal with the paparazzi chasing us. We were eating at a diner and just about to leave when we were swarmed. She froze up, forcing Zayn and I to practically pick her up and carry her to the taxi. None of us dared to tease her for it, because we knew she was incredibly embarrassed.

The corners of my lips turn up as we get into the hotel lobby and she has her hands on her knees as she tries to catch her breath. I thought like our other friends, she'd get used to it after a few days, but no such luck. Even Olivia got used to it rather quickly.

"My boys!" We hear someone shout across the hotel lobby.

We all turn to see the Teasdale-Atkin family waving as they race towards us. Baby Lux has a big smile on her face as she races over, her chubby toddler legs carrying her the best they can. Tom and Lou smile and hurry over to give us great big hugs.

"How was your vacation?" Liam asks them.

Lou is our lovely stylist, whom is like a big sister to us. Usually Tom doesn't tag along, but once in awhile he'll spend a few days with us. And of course there's Baby Lux. Together the lads and I act as her big brothers. We wouldn't let a thing in the world hurt her. When she gets older, her boyfriends are going to have to get through us first.

"Lovely, lovely, but I have to say I missed all of you idiots," She smiles and gives me a hug, "Tyler called and told me all about that pretty little thing over there. We'll talk later," She whispers in my ear.

My face turns bright red as I look across the group and meet Mia's eyes. Oh jesus... I'm sure Tyler totally exaggerated the whole ordeal. Lou has a tendency of blowing things out of proportion as well. This'll be interesting.

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