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I woke up with the same feeling in my chest. I couldn't see anything but darkness. except for when someone grabbed me and woke me. It was Jonathan.

-"Will, are you okay?" He asked
-"yeah, why are you up so early?" I whined looking at the clock that said 5 am.
-"you have to take the bus this morning, I have a job interview."

I sighed and nodded my head, turning away trying to go back to sleep.

I woke up at 7 to get ready for my bus that comes at 7:30. I brushed my teeth and got dressed.
As I was grabbing my bag in the kitchen, the phone rang. i was confused who was calling, it's so early.

-"hello?" I asked through the phone, responded with heavy breathing.
-"hello? who's this?" I repeated myself.
-"where's your mother, William?"

i hung up faster than a flash of lightning. I could recognize that voice from anywhere.
my dad.
i walked outside as I heard my bus pulling up. I rushed inside and sat down. i wondered into my own world, one too far away for anyone to see. i couldn't stop thinking about it. Why would he call? how could he call? After everything he's done? it was unbelievable.

3 years ago'

i walked home from school, my mind was empty, as was my stomach. i haven't eaten anything since Friday. It's Monday. My moms been gone all weekend, it's not like dad cares or not if I want to eat dinner.
I walked inside to my dad, complaining per-usual. As I walked to my room his complaining started turning into yelling. I didn't think anything of it until I heard a glass breaking. I ran out of my room, there was my mom. Crying on the floor after my dad just shoved her into window, smashing it completely.
I ran to him and pushed him, but he held me by my shirt.
"Go to your room, and don't come out." He ordered me.
"Get off of me!" I yelled at him.
"I'M NOT ASKING!" he shoved me into the hallway.
I felt so powerless. My mom was crying telling me to go, I had no choice. What was I supposed to do?
as I walked into my room i heard the front door shut.
suddenly my dad came into my room.
"you don't ever touch me like that, you hear me?" He yelled.
"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.
"Excuse me? It's yes sir!" His voice was raised.
i looked at him, chuckled, and turned back around towards the tv.
he picked me up by my arm and shoved me to the floor.
"God, you must've been swapped out in the hospital because you are not my son!" He punched me, with every sentence he said.
"you're a faggot, you've always been a faggot. I read your journal. About that Wyatt kid that killed himself! You were obsessed! you're such a disgrace. I wish it was you instead of him."

by the time he left, I had cuts and bruises on my face, and everywhere else he hit me. I was in too much pain to remember where.

1 week later.

he was still living there. It was like nothing happened, like he didn't say anything. Do anything. It was normal to both him and my mom. What is happening. I was in my room listening to music when I heard another bang from the living room, along with my mom screaming. I grabbed the wooden bat I saved specially for this moment. Jonathan and I walked out of our rooms at the same time. I walked out and hit my dad in the back with the bat. He collapsed to the floor but wasn't to totally knocked out.
-"I can smell the beer from your breath, you fucking asshole." I said, slamming the bat into his chest.

My bus stopped, I walked off the bus and into my school building. I couldn't stop having flashbacks all day. That's the reason we left. My dad betrayed us. What if he comes back? What if we have to do this all over again?
i was zoning out like crazy, not talking, smiling. Just thinking. Max wasn't here, so I had nobody to talk to about it. Nobody really noticed. Nobody except for-

-"hey, are you okay?" Mike asked, coming up to me in the hallway.
-"yeah, why?" I said, back into zone.
-"because you look like you have something on your mind. And you stopped in the middle of the hallway staring into space. I'm just a little worried about you."

I was shocked.

-"you're worried?"
-"of course. You're my friend, I don't want you upset." He smiled.

the thought of that someone besides max cared about me like that made my heart melt.

except it made it melt a little too much.

i stared at mike for a long time during class, i don't even know why. I just was. The only time was when he turned his head to look at me and I was looking at him. I turned my head quickly hoping he didn't notice.

i looked up again, he wasn't looking anymore. For the first time I started to look at him differently. But why? Just because he was nice enough to ask if I was alright? how would he know I was upset, unless he was watching me.. why was he watching me?

i started getting thoughts in my head, thoughts that didn't belong in there.

no, stop.

not again. I'm never falling for anyone else like that again.

i cant let that happen.

not this time.

Traitor - byler .Where stories live. Discover now