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Mikes pov~

i walk into school, nobody was looking at me. Which I found weird, why was nobody talking about us. It wasn't till later when I realized if you were to talk about it in school hours on property you'd get automatic suspension. Which was good, but we all got looks through the day. But it didn't matter, it was worth it. We all sat at our lunch table talking.

-"wow, he really is a mess." max said, after I told them about last night.
-"yeah, who wouldn't be?"
-"true, I feel so bad for him. I wish we could do something." El said.
-"yeah, but what? there's nothing we can really do to help that." Lucas says.
-"at least he's not going to jail!" Dustin said, trying to brighten the mood.

I couldn't even eat, I was too stressed. I just prayed he was better today. I really want him to be happy. I feel like every time I think about him, I start to fall for him. But it's too soon to say anything.

i waited all day for school to end, I watched the clock after every minute passed. Until the last bell rang, i waited for my friends so we could stop by wills house together. Joyce was there, so we knocked on the door and she opened.

-"we're here to check on Will." Dustin said.
-"good luck, he's still in bed." She sighed.

my heart sank a little bit.

we walked in and the things I left for him were still there. He was still in the same position he was yesterday. Facing the wall. I started to think he was dead.

I walked to the side he was facing and sat next to him, his eyes were closed but he was awake.

-"will? You seriously need to wake up. It's time." I put my hand on his shoulder.

He covered his head with then blanket, not responding.

-"will, please get up. We can talk if you're upset." Max told him, sitting down next to him.

-"leave me alone." He said, quietly.

we all looked at each other, nothing.

-"will, please? will you please get up?" I put my hand on his side, the rest of my friends look at each other after my hand placement.

He didn't respond.

-"will, c'mon." i sighed.

-"god, GET THE FUCK OUT AND LEAVE ME ALONE." He yelled, still not moving.

we were all shocked by the way he yelled. We both slowly stood up from his bed and left his room.

-"what the hell." Max sighed.
-"he needs help." Dustin added.
-"yeah, clearly. What are we supposed to do?" I crossed my arms.
-"we can't just force him to get out of bed." El said.
-"i mean, all we can do is wait." I sighed.
-"what now?" max asked.
-"I'm going to stay here, to take care of him. Try to get him to wake up. I won't be at school tomorrow. just come by after school." I said.
-"good luck with that." Lucas chuckled, not in a funny type of way.
They all walked out of the house and I walked back into his bedroom.
I shut the door and laid down next to him. I didn't touch him, i just turned my back to him and fell asleep.

that night, I was awaken by Will shooting up gasping for air. I sat up immediately as he looked out the window frantically.
There were sirens outside.
-"there here." he yelled, running out of the room and into the living room. I chased after him and saw he now had a bat in his hand. Joyce rushed out of her room from all the noise.

-"will, calm down!" I yelled.
-"they're here for me! They're going to take me away!" He said with the bat, ready to swing.
-"who are you talking about, will?" Joyce asked confused.
he walked to the hallway window and looked outside, as he was walking back, Jonathan opened his door. Will swung the bat at him thinking he was someone else.

I ran up to him and took the bat from his hands.
-"will, nobody is here!"

he ran towards the front door and opened it and stepped out a few feet, it was dark out.

-"see?nobody's there." I told him.

he turned around and walked back inside, shoulder checking me on the way in. he walked back into his room and shut the door.

I looked at Jonathan and Mrs Byers.

-"that's it, I'm calling a doctor. He's going in the morning." she said, going outside."

-"are you okay?" I ask Jonathan.
-"yeah, he missed. I'm going to go back to sleep, if he's acting up again please tell me."
-"alright, goodnight." I said.

I walked back into wills room, where he was sitting on his bed staring ahead of him.
I shut the door and sat next to him.

-"what's wrong with me? I think I'm going crazy." Will whispered with tears in his eyes.
-"if you're going crazy, ill go crazy with you. Together." I held his hand.
-"crazy together?" he chuckled.

we both giggled, he wiped the tears that fell from his face and rested his head on my shoulder.

-"I'm sorry for yelling at you. i couldn't help it, I don't know what happened." He apologized.
-"it's okay, I understand." I looked down at him.

he started to cry again, quietly, but I could tell.

-"will? What's wrong?"
-"i don't know. Every thing? I just want to be happy. I want to leave this house, this room, I wanna go somewhere and just feel a moment of happiness. just one time. I hate feeling like this. Like I'm trapped in a bubble that I don't know how to get out of." He whimpered softly.

I wiped the tears from his face with my hands and kissed his soft, sad lips.

-"get dressed." I whispered inches from his face.

we snuck out through his window to go for a walk through town, nobody was awake at this time of night so we weren't worried by anyone seeing Will with my hoodie on and holding my hand.
We walked through ally ways talking and laughing.

-"I've missed you." I said, squeezing his hand gently.
-"I've missed you, too." he giggled.

we both walked through the grass, I could tell this was making Will feel better. That's all i wanted.

I felt a certain feeling when I was with will, it was always with me when i was with will, but this time it got stronger. It was like a feeling of.. love.

But i didn't know whether to tell him or not, we just kind of started dating a few days ago. It would be weird. I just can't tell him yet.

-"what are you thinking about?" Will asked me.
-"whatever you're thinking about." I smiled at him.
-"I'm thinking about you." He stopped walking and looked up at me.
-"me too." I stopped smiling, looking at his lips.

i kissed him, pressing my hand against his face. He was cold, but the more we kissed the warmer we got. It was like a chemical reaction to his body.
we both were on the grass, kissing. He was running his hands up my shirt slowly pressing his finger tips against my skin. I kissed his lips and started to move down to his jawline, then down to his neck.

-"mike.. not here." he whispered.
-"wanna go back?" I stopped.
-"yeah.." he smiled softly before I helped him up and he walked back to the house.
Once we snuck through the window, we started kissing again. Will backed up onto the bed as I hovered above him. I held his hand as I moved my other hand up his shirt, I took it off with both hands but stopped when I saw scars on his chest. It was from his dad. I looked up at him, he had worry in his eyes.
-"is it too-"
i put my finger over his mouth, shushing him, before kissing his scars. He smiled and began kissing me again, I took off my shirt and we made out consistently for what seemed like hours.
I started kissing down his neck, making him let out soft moans. I stayed in one spot of his neck for a while, before he put his hands on my chest making me stop.
-"don't leave a mark, I won't be able to cover it."
I laughed before kissing him again. I felt myself going slower and slower as I got tired.Will noticed and stopped me.

-"are you tired?" He ran his fingers through my hair.
-"mhm, I'm sorry will." I felt guilty.
-"noo, please don't apologize. you're the best." He kissed my forehead before letting me lay my head on his chest.
-"just so you know, you make me happy." He whispered, making a big smile form on my face.

He played with my hair as I quickly passed out in his arms, he makes me feel safe.

i wish things would've stayed that way.

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