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everyone of my friends walked in when they heard the gunshots, they all saw what I had done. i was shaking like crazy, the gun was on the floor in front of me. I was guilty. I'm going to go to prison. my life is ruined.
I didn't know what to say with everyone staring at me and nobody saying anything. i knew i couldn't run away, it would make me look guilty. I just stood there until the cops and paramedics rushed in. Two cops grabbed me by my arm, asking me questions on the way. But I couldn't answer. I couldn't even think.

they walked me downstairs and into the back of a cop car, as the door shut I watched mike walk out of the house through the gated window. He was staring at me, he was talking to the cop. or yelling, I couldn't tell. i looked at everyone staring at me as the car drove away. what now?

Mikes pov -

what the fuck just happened.. it all was happening way to fast. i didn't know what to say to Will, he just killed someone. it wasn't like it was murder, it was self defense! but I couldn't bring myself to say anything. i was in shock, and I guess he was too. I ran after the cops after they took him away.

-"what are you doing? He didn't do anything wrong!!" I yelled.
-"he killed a man, we have to bring him in."
-"it was self defense! He's innocent." my voice cracked accidentally.
-"he's not going to jail! not yet at least, we're just questioning him. come by in about an hour or so. They will need you guys for questioning too, if you saw what happened."

he got into the car, I wanted to stop him but I couldn't. I watched Will, he looked at me as the car drove away. he looked so confused. i couldn't do anything to help him, if only I could help him. What would've happened if we didn't make him come to the party tonight? his dad would've came by his house, he would've been killed..

my friends asked me repeatedly what happened up there as I drove all of us to my house to wait until we got the phone call.
but I ignored.
i couldn't stop thinking, after I saw the anger in wills eyes when he killed his father.

stop. Why am I thinking like this?

wills not a monster! he's such a good person, he had to do that!
I'm glad he did!
I just wish I could've done more to-


i looked ahead of me as a semi truck almost crashed into the front of the car, I swerved into the other lane where I belonged, my heart was racing.

-"let me drive." max sighed getting out of the stopped car.

Me and her traded spots and I sat in the back with Lucas and Dustin.
they looked at me, and didn't say anything. they knew I didn't want to talk.

the car ride home was silent. Nobody spoke a word. Not until we walked downstairs into our basement, trying our best not to wake anyone else in my house up. Especially holly, she would throw a fit. I didn't want to deal with her at the moment. we walked downstairs and locked the door behind us.
I plopped on the coach, crossing my arms, not saying anything as they all stood in front of me watching me.

-"mike, we need answers now." max ordered.
-"what were you and Will doing upstairs?" Dustin asked.
-"did Will do it on purpose?"
-"what did you see."

my ears rung as everyone's questions ran through my mind. I put my hand over my head and groaned in pain.

-"god, SHUT THE FUCK UP WITH YOUR FUCKING QUESTIONS." I yelled below a whisper.
-"we just need an answer. What happened?" max asked.

i sighed putting my elbows on my knees, brushing the hair out of my face.

-"I cant even remember that much, it all happened to fast."
-"well, why were you guys up there together in the first place?" Lucas asked.

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