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mikes pov-

I woke up the next morning on my basement floor, why am I on the floor? I had a massive headache, I couldn't remember anything from the night before. Only except for what happened with Will. I genuinely feel so guilty, i really do love him. I never got the chance to say it. I regret last night so badly, why couldn't I have just told her no, instead of saying nothing? I am such a bad person. I tried calling his phone multiple times, I even tried talking to him through my walkie. Nothing. I decided to go by today and apologize again, this time rehearse what I was going to say. I want to tell him I love him, I want to do everything I can do make him forgive me. i knew what to say by the time I left, but when I got there, I was frozen.

there were police, and ambulance outside their house. I watched Will being carried into the van. He was bloody, he wasn't awake, he was pale. I felt like I just got the wind knocked out of me. I rushed inside and saw it. His mom and brother was crying, the bathroom was flooded, there was blood in the bath. He tried to kill himself. His mom hugged me, I had tears in my eyes but I was too much in shock to cry. I could've said something about what I saw on his wrists last night, but I didn't. Now he could be dead and it's my fault.
Joyce and Jonathan took me to the hospital with them, I couldn't speak anything to them. I was still in so much shock. My mind was spinning.

I'm such a horrible boyfriend.

We sat in the waiting room, waiting for the doctors to update us. My mom and Nancy came rushing through the doors to hug me, but I didn't say anything.

-"are you okay, Michael?" My mom asked.

i felt my eyes shut and last thing I could remember was seeing everyone hover above me while I was on the floor, i had passed out.

I woke up on my bed, Will was sitting next to me, crying.
-"you're such a traitor, mike."
-"you promised me!"
-"Will please stop! I love you! I've always loved you. I know we just started dating, but I'm so crazy about you. You cant even imagine the things I'd do for you. You mean everything to me, I'm not ashamed of you. I'd do anything if it meant I was with you. you're such an important piece in my life that I was missing. I felt safe with you, you made me feel like I could do anything. I love you so, so much will. Please, I'm sorry i let her kiss me, please forgive me!" I put my hand on the side of his face and kissed him, it was brief, because he wasn't moving. I slowly pulled away, his eyes were closed. He looked up slowly with tears in his eyes.

-"why couldn't you have told me that while I was alive."

I woke up in a hospital bed, gasping for air. It was just a nightmare.

-"you're awake, are you okay??" My mom stood up.
-"yeah, I just have a headache." I put my hand up to my head.
-"you're able to stand still right?" The doctor asked.

i stood up from the bed, perfectly fine.

-"okay, he's fine. He might've just fainted from stress. He can go now." she said.
-"that's it, are you sure?" She asked.
-"positive, he's perfectly fine." She smiled.

We both walked out to the waiting room. Joyce and Jonathan weren't in there anymore. I walked up to the front desk.

-"what room is William Byers in?" I asked.
she checked the files on her computer.
-"room 407."

I ran down the hallway to the elevator with my mom, we went up to floor 4, where we saw Jonathan talking to wills doctor outside.

-"is he okay?" I ask.
-"yes, you can see him. But he's not awake." Jonathan said.
I walked in and saw him, with bandages on his arms, he was strapped to the bed.

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