Back To Endless Work - [6]

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TW: Manipulation (?),

Before Error could tie up Ink with his strings, Ink already created an inky portal and jumped in. Error took a few seconds to process on what just happened.


I bet that the whole multiverse can hear Error screaming Ink's name.

[Ink's POV]

"Pheww! That was super duper close call! I-" I stopped, hissing in pain of HER strings and the aus being destroyed.

"Hey! You promise to make my au stable!"
"Ink! Do my au first!"
"Where have you been! Look at my au, it is horrible! Fix it!"
"My turn first!"
"No! It's my turn!"

Ink sighed, getting a head ache from all the voices. "Only just got out the au a few minutes ago and I am tired already." Ink mumbled but nevertheless started to stable their aus and make them fit in the multiverse code.

It may seem that he only did his work for a few minutes- WRONG! It actually taken many hours to a whole week. The 'worked for a whole month without any break' only happened one time, okay?! No need to fuss about that... I think.

I mean, Ink looked a bit malnutrition and has a very tired face. He does kinda hide those from everyone by wearing baggy clothes and paint his eyebags. However, in these few days he didn't bother to hide those anymore. Sadly it seems no one noticed the change other than Puff and Life.

He sometimes does question himself if he matters or not.

Few hours passed and the work started to lessen bit by bit. Ink's mind is on jambled as he read every story of the creators just to make their au more stabled and more fit in the multiverse code. Ink would technically knew everything to a person if it weren't the aus and copies be so many.

Too many that Ink sometimes get confused of their backstories. Doesn't know what truly happened or what didn't happen. Most of the times he accidentally mixed up these people.

Most of the time he does his work. Meant that his memory started to worsen. So much so that he usually forgot to eat, take a break or even sleep.


Ink blinked, woken up from his concentration on his work. He hummed in confusion. 'How much time passed?' He thought to himself.

"Inky! My dear, you didn't answer me." Fate caresses Ink's left cheek bone. "O-oh! Mother! I am very sorry! I-I was busy with my work-" "Yes yes! I can see that, my dear. I am very happy that you did your work! But..."

Fate's grip on his cheek started to hurt him. "Can you tell me where you went to made you disappear for a week?" Fate's lovely voice turned to a cold tone. Ink's eye lights shrink, clearly nervous and wanted to escape this situation. "U-uhm.." Ink tried to come up with an excuse.

Fate's glare hardened. "Were you going out with your friends instead of doing your job?" Ink freeze when Fate said that. 'How.. how did she know?' He thought as his whole body shake from nervousness.

"Dear, what did I told you about this?" Fate's tone shifted to something soft as she hug Ink closer to her. Ink wanted to remain stiff as he knew it was a trap, but his touch-starved self fight his thoughts. Now ended up melting at the soft touches from Fate, hugging her back.

"Do I have to repeat myself again? Or should I 'talk' to your brothers to really keep it your mind to not do it again?"

Ink stiffened at her words. He knew what was going to happen. He knew what she would do next if he won't obey. Ink's vision blurred from how bad he wanna cry. No. He can't cry now. He can't afford to cry in-front of his.. mother.

"Or should I find out who your friends are and maybe have a little bonding time with them?" Fate laughs lightly, a total opposite of her intentions of wanting to hurt Ink's friends... just a bit won't hurt.

"M-mother! P-please!-"
"What is that, dear? 'Please'? Inky, you know I don't hurt anyone!"
"That "you abused me" phrase again? Ink, you know I don't hurt you. Do I have to remind you again? Your bruises are from the fight with the bad sanses! Gosh, they really do targeted your skull, huh? Poor child.."

Ink was conflicted. He knew Fate have done this to him, albeit his memories are starting to blur so bad. He knew yet he don't know anymore. Fate's soft touches and loving tone makes his mind go spinning. He knew- no, mom wouldn't do that. She always get him to calm down. He refused to acknowledge that her warm aura would be sometimes cold to touch, like it burns him.

Though her cold demeanor- no no, she is a loving mother. Yeah! The Bad Sanses must have affected him memories so bad.

"You're spacing out again." Fate pointed out.
"Whoops! Sorry mom! What was I doing again? I forgot" Ink chuckled awkwardly. Fate chuckles. "Oh Ink, you were doing your work. I am just checking up on you!" Fate said to him warmly.

His instinct said to run away from her and telling himself that he forgot something. Something very important.

"Uhh... what were the conversation?"
"Oh it is nothing to worry, Ink. I am just reminding you that I love you!"
"I love you too Mom!"
"Alright, I have to go now! Better finish that work of yours!"
"Of course!"

And just like that Ink was alone again with his work and his thoughts.
"Did... Did I forget something? Nah, my mind must have some hallucinations."

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