Drama Go Brrr - [8]

248 9 19

Warning : Curse words

Timeline : Present

"Hey!" Dream shouted angrily as he ran after Error, who was panicking. Error was injured from the fight, he was trying his best to hide from the AU that he was supposed to destroy. He got so focused on his job that he didn't notice how tired he was until Dream and Blue come to stop him. He can't even properly make a portal or even teleport out of there.

'Sh1TsH1tSh1TsH1t-' Error curses in his mind as he ran with all his might. "HEY! STOP RIGHT THERE!" Blue shouted at Error, he was so close to capturing him. Error made a bad decision to take some random alleyway.

Error's vision started to darken. He paused when he reached a dead end. 'FV<K! WhY nOw?! I Ne£D tO €sC@p£ B3fOR£ tH3y-' Error's thoughts were cut off when he turned to ran back where he ran from, only to find Dream aiming his bow at him.

"You have been cornered now, Error." Dream stated as he settle his glare at Error. "Blue, detain him."

"UHM.." Blue looked conflicted while Error looked at them, shocked. "Blue." Dream warned. Before Error could protest, Blue apologized to him softly and then restrain Error's hands from behind. Error glitched a bit from the unexpected touch but those glitches died down once knowing it was only Blue, who meant no harm.

Dream lowered his weapon to approach Error, but he is still wary and would grab his weapon if any wrong movement could be seen from him. "So, I have question. I am sure it has been asked so many times- why did you destroy those AUs? Don't you know they did nothing to you?! They did nothing to you and yet you still killed them. HUNDREDS of them! They have a family! A home! A life! And yet YOU took it from them!"

Dream's anger flared the more he 'talk' to Error. The images of how the monsters die and suffered flashes on Dream's mind. Error was silent as he look at the ground. Blue was unsure about this. He is friends with Error and Dream but he don't know what to do.

"U-UHM. D-DREAM, I KNOW HE HAVE A REASON TO DO THOSE THINGS. PLEASE HEAR HIM OUT." "Hah! Hear him out?! What joke is that?! Blue, are you out of your mind?! He DESTROYED hundreds of AUs and killed all those monsters!"


"W-what?..." Dream stood shock, looking at Blue who was looking at him with determination. "W-what do you mean by that?... Blue, are you switching sides?! Are you betraying us?!" Dream looked crestfallen to hear one of his close friends has befriended the enemy.

Blue didn't answer Dream immediately. "Answer me!" Dream angrily yelled at Blue, he doesn't want to believe this. This must be a prank. "Hah...hahaHAHAHA! Are you pranking me? Is this one of your jokes? Because if it is, this isn't the time, Blue!"

When Blue still didn't reply to Dream, Dream was angry. "Did Error manipulate you?" Both Blue and Error snapped their heads to look at Dream with wide-eye sockets. Dream looks at them with almost calm look, but Blue knows that he is angry.

Blue look at Dream in disbelief. "DREAM! THAT IS NOT NICE TO ACCUSE MY FRIEND LIKE THAT!" "No no! Because it makes sense! YOU are defending our ENEMY! Betraying us-" "I AM NOT BETRAYING YOU, DREAM! YOU ARE MY FRIEND!"

"He's our enemy! He could kill you!" "AND YOU DON'T?"

Deafening silence took place after that. Blue shuts his mouth immediately, regretting on saying that to Dream, who was staring at him in disbelief.

The silence was deafening.

A few minutes later, Dream moves. Blue watch him walk away. "W-WAIT! D-DREAM!" Dream didn't listen to Blue's pleas and just walked away. Opening up a portal, Dream immediately entered without second thoughts. Leaving Blue and Error behind.

Blue let go of Error, took a few step backwards and sat on the ground, his back hit the dead-end wall. Error just awkwardly stand there, not knowing what to do.
"Why Did I Do That?" Blue said in a soft voice, tears were gathering on his eye sockets. "BLu3... 1t 1sN't YoUr F@uLt. YoU JuSt St@t£d Th3 tRuTh, tH@T'$ @LL." Error said to him while decided to sat near him.

Error hesitated but put his arms around Blue awkwardly, trying to comfort him by his actions as he doesn't know what else to say. "B-but I Just Accuse My Trusted Friend That He Could Kill Me! He Must've Think I Lost His Trust! He Must've Thought I Switch Sides Because Of Him Or Something! He Must-"

"$hhHHh $HHhhHhh... 1t 1sN't YoUr F@uLt, Ok@y? No M@tT3r HoW M@Ny t1M3s 1 WouLD s@Y 1t, 1T 1Sn'T yOur F@Ult. 1 @m sORry tH@t yOu TwO fOuGhT jU$t b3C@U$e We @re fRI3nd$." "No, You Don't Have To Apologize. That's What Friends Are For, Right? Help Each Other?" Blue said with a small smile. Tears dried as he wipe them off his face.

"BuT bLu3... Wh@T 1F dR3@m WoULd T3ll oTh£r S@ns€s Th@t YoU sW1tCh S1d£S? 1 DoN't W@n'T yOu To G£t HuRt B3c@Us€ oF m3." Error said worriedly. "W-WELL THEN I WOULD BE STAYING IN NIGHTMARE'S MANSION THEN!" Blue said determinedly, trying to forget what just happened a few minutes ago because he would cry again if he did.

Error looked at Blue with sadness. He knew that Blue wanted himself and Dream be friends again, cause Blue doesn't want to fight with one of his best friends. The scene that took place a few minutes ago was like Blue slapping Dream very hard on his cheek.

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