"Memory Lane 1"

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🎶You betrayed me
And I know that you'll never feel sorry
For the way, I hurt, yeah

Loved you at your worst
But that didn't matter🎵

Two and a half years ago, A Fresh Morning In USA.

Kim Taehyung was sitting inside a coffee shop with his espresso in one hand and his phone on the other. He has been waiting for Namjoon to arrive soon as they both have a short meeting with Russian drug dealers. Tae wanted to end the deal today not wanting to keep other country dealers' links and that's the reason Tae and Namjoon decided to stay in America until they finish all these works.

He was bored waiting scrolling through his insta feeds to pass the time. The blonde was wearing a black T-shirt covered by a greaser Jacket matching his black Celine cap.

The door to the shop opened with the bell sound and the person placed his order looking so tensed. The brunette didn't care about anything and sat at the same table as Tae, opposite to the now bewildered blonde.

Tae has reserved the table for him and Namjoon but the brunette was too focused on his laptop to note the reserved board. Tae didn't complain or ask him to get up, looks like he's gonna entertain himself for the time being. He could clearly see the crease formed between the male's eyebrows and the frustration evident through his rushed actions.

If it was some other day, Tae must have made it hectic for the person by his anger issues for invading his privacy. But today was different, maybe it was because of the prettiness dripping down the latter's face. Also today he was happy as the previous meeting with one of US clients was a success and his project of opening a new branch was approved by the government. He's trying his best to make "Vamps" -his family business legal.

Tae was more chilled for the day but now this beautiful morning moon in front of him has become his only prior of attention.

Tae took a sip from his cup and placed the espresso on the table not taking his eyes off the brunette nibbling his lips in fear and Tae looked at him, crossing his hands against his chest. His eyes unintentionally wandered from the person's smooth silky brown Chocolate locks to high tired yet the prettiest eyes and the sharply pointed nose to the heated up cheeks and the tulip lips abused by his teeth. Oh! his fingers that were continuously hitting keys on the lapboard were long and leaner than Tae's, anyone would like to decorate it with Diamonds and rubies.

One latte was served on their table.

A smirk appeared on Tae's lips when he saw the other stretching his hands for the latte but took Tae's espresso by mistake not sparing a glance and taking a sip but soon his nose scrunched to the strong bitter taste completely showing his hatred towards espressos.

"Excuse me, Who served me an Espresso? I hate it. Didn't I order for a Latte?" the brunette shouted and the server ran to them but Tae stopped the worker with his hand raised and signalled him to go. The latter was confused and for the first time cared to look at Tae who was now rubbing his lips with his long index finger.

"Then you should drink what you ordered not others," Tae said sarcastically and leaned front to which the other was caught off guard looking at his Latte untouched on the table and a reserved board near it. His eyes went wide following the action of his mouth.

"I'm..I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I didn't even realize sitting at your table. I was out of my mind. I mean. I'm sorry for taking a sip from your cup" that sounds sexy for Tae, he's enjoying this. " I can compensate, please let me treat you" the other stuttered making Tae grin at his overflowing cuteness.

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