"Dangerous Hyung"

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🎶I don't ever tell you how I really feel
'Cause I can't find the words to say what I mean

I know I'm not your only
But at least I'm one
I heard a little love is better than none

Just a little bit of your heart🎵

Tae was waiting in the living room sofa for his wifey to Join him for breakfast who's in a shower and still is not aware of the master's presence in the mansion.

At the same time a loud noise barged inside daringly shouting the mafia CEO's name.

"Kim Tae_hyung, Tae_hyung, Tae_hyung, where are you?" as the person entered the living room, he was welcomed by a empty hall and a void sofa.

The blonde male who was sitting there a second ago is no where to be found now which made the blonde boy shout again.

"Tae_hyung" that's when he realized someone standing behind him and the latter turned back only to see the fuming hungry tiger with calm sarcasm filling his eyes, the other shrieked in fear "Tae_Hyung! You almost got me dead" the oblivious boy put his hand against his chest counting his beats but it only tripled when a pistol triggering sound was heard.

And when the boy turned to look at the latter, the boss was already seated like a king in the chair placed in the wall side of the living room. He was looking at his gun like checking it's design and how it would be to test in on someone for the first time.

"DID I HEAR SOMEONE BARKING MY NAME?" elder teased. But the boy was not getting the point.

"Tae_hyung!! I missed you" the other said innocently but he was also teasing Tae's patience to only see the elder's index finger pressed on the pistol and the next thing he encountered was a bullet passing the side of his wide opened eyes and making a crack on the wall behind him leaving a big hole and hot smoke. The young one with mouth ajar turned back to see the riot.

The bullet Just passed the latter Just a inch gap distance and hitted the painting right at the forhead of the imaginary girl in it. With a freak, he turned to his hyung.

"Hyung, You almost killed your own brother" Jimin said in dismay as Tae smuged.

"And that's what you should have addressed me at first". Tae said and walked towards the sofa and took his seat in the master place to which Jimin shrugged.

"Hyung!! You tried to kill your little bubbly brother for calling your name when I didn't even call you with disrespect in the first place." Tae furrowed his eyes threatening his little brother to tell that again who is now afraid of the pistol still hanging on his Hyung's finger given the fact that this boy is phobic to the blast sounds.

"Tae hyung sounds like your name and what should I do for that" he still protested. Tae's eyes flicked with a sharp gaze shutting Jimin right away.

"It's Tae hyungie hyung for you" Tae informed.

"It's not my fault though, I'm not good at formalities and formal Korean as you made me live half of my life in states" Jimin retarded and Tae knows he is one stubborn kiddo to keep him on line.

"Just fill your cup of tea" Tae reminded Jimin of the reason they both are here for and the latter was quick to take a seat next to the elder placing his hands on his brother's shoulder politely asking for help. Tae had a annoyed expression but his inner mind was finding it hard to not laugh on his cute chubby chic's pouty face.

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