Chapter 9

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(Amber's POV)

School is so boring. The end of the school year is the worst. The teachers always expect more work from us not to mention after spring break we only have 2 months left so it projects and more projects.

"Class was so boring," I muttered one day at lunch.

"It will get better." Jackson reassured me.


"Hey in PE we're going outside," Gavin said.

"So, it's so hot outside... how is that supposed to be a good thing?"

"Well, it's outside."

"Btu it's hot."

"It's not that hot..."

"It's 78."


"That's hot!"

"Come on guys, we don't need to fight about that," Jackson muttered.

"But we do," Gavin said.

"Yeah," I agreed.

Just like Gavin said. In PE we were going outside. We weren't really supposed to do anything... like they weren't organizing sports we just got to do whatever we wanted. I just waited for the class to be over with. Too bad Olivia wasn't here today. She would have loved this.


Why has she been gone for three weeks.... I mean even if she was sick she wouldn't be out for that long. Maybe it was the flu, but is it still flu season... whatever. It's not my place to go into her personal business.

I could always ask her brother.

Anyway, after school it seemed to be the same as always. I did my homework or a portion of whatever project I was working on. Then I went and bugged Mark until he told me to get out of his room or pushed me out of whatever came first.

"Come on, you're so boring." I complained one day.

"I have stuff I need to do," Mark told me.

"I know..."

"They why are you bugging me?"

"because I'm bored and I finished my homework already."

"Fine..." he closed the book he was reading for school. "What do you want to do?"

"I want to talk." I said.

"Well what do you want to talk about?"

I was hesitant. "Do you think something is wrong with Olivia?"

"What makes you say that?"

"It's been almost four weeks... I'm getting worried."

"Don't be then."


"I don't know but she's fine. I can tell you that much."

"What makes you say that?"

"Olly would have said something."

That wasn't necessarily true, but I thought that was a reason anyway.

She'll be back soon...


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