Chapter 11

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(Olly's POV)

Things were getting a little more normal.. Well me and the Craftsmen are trying, well I'm trying. Let's just say that he's doing a better job than I am.

One day after school to my surprise Scissors and Tape were in the kitchen with the Craftsman.

"What's going on?" I asked them. It was only the two of them. They wouldn't come unless they had a reason.

"It's about Olivia," Tape told me. "Scissors found something'."

I let out a sigh of relief. "So you know where she is then?"

"Sort of..." Scissors said. "We know a little more information than we did. I think we're close."

"Like how close?"


"So now dat Olly's here go ahead and tell dem what youse figured out," Tape said.

She sighed. "Fine, so all I know is who did it, that's it, but it's a little more complicated than that...."

"So she still could be anywhere?" The Craftsmen asked.


"So who did it?" I asked.

"Well... do you remember my cut outs?"


"Ok so one of them, Handaconda, is still out there, I don't know who but he is."

The Craftsman looked confused. "Aren't your cutouts just mindless soldiers?"

"He isn't, remember how we never met each other until after you stole the castle?"

"Yes..." I said dryly. I didn't want to remember.

"Ok yeah well I was lonely so I started to make cutouts... but they were all mindless and they didn't keep my company. So I wanted a loyal soldier but also someone who wasn't mindless so I cut out Handaconda and it worked, I thought he died in the attack."

"But why would he kidnap Olivia?"

"Well..." she gingerly rubbed the back of her neck.

Tape spoke for her. "So back when your plan was in motion Scis told Handaconda to kidnap your sister."

"Oh I think she mentioned that a while ago...." my voice trailed. I couldn't help it.

"Hey Olly.." Tape put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't give up, we're so close, we're goin' ta find her really soon."

"He's right, you know," Scissors said.

"I know..."

"We should probably get going." Scissors stood up, she started to leave Tape was right behind her.

"Olly," she said."


"We'll be back soon the moment we find her location."

"Scissors don't overwork yourself."

She turned to me and smiled. "You know I can't promise that."

"I know."

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