Chapter 14

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(Olly's POV)

"Why in the world would you do that?" It was the principal, Mrs. Adams. The Craftsman was sitting next to me in her office.

I didn't say anything. She wouldn't understand.

"Olly, why would you punch a kid? I know you're a good kid. You had a reason." I almost laughed when she said a good kid. Yeah, sure maybe she should have been there three years ago in the middle of my plan.

"Olly.." I heard the Craftsman say. "Are you going to speak, you don't have to if you don't want to tell us."

I sighed. "He was insulting my sister," I muttered.

"What did he say about her?" Mrs. Adams asked.

I didn't speak... I couldn't tell her. I still remember everything he said clearly in my head


"So what did you need me for?" I asked.

"Well I want to say sorry about what happened to your sister." he said "how she went missing."

I froze. "How did you know..."

"My mom figured it out and was telling my dad I was just listening in."

"Well... it's not your fault she went missing."

"I know it's probably yours."

I stared at him. "What makes you say that.."

"Well you're her older brother after all."

I was done with this. I started to leave but he grabbed me by the back of my shirt.

"I'm not done."

I was getting mad. If I didn't calm myself down I would probably kill him with my magic. Especially because he was just talking about Olivia early.

"Just because you're not done doesn't mean I can't leave." I was so lucky there was no one else around.

"Fine go ahead I was just messing around anyway... Guess I took it too far." but he still didn't let go

I wasn't sure if he was apologizing or just being sarcastic. I wanted to play it safe. "No worries now, please let go of me."

"Also here's a fun fact," he growled in my ear "80-90 percent of missing kids return home.... I hope your sister is the lucky 10 percent." Then he let go and backed up but he didn't leave.

That was his mistake.

I didn't care that he was yelling I wanted to hurt him, bad....

No one talks about my sister like that.


I don't really remember the rest of the time in the office. I just know it left me with a three day suspension.

The way home the Craftsmen didn't say anything. I didn't care what he had to say if he said something. I didn't regret what I did. I would have done it all over again.

"So what happened?" he asked once we got home. "Well I know what happened but what did he say about Olivia?"

"It was a fact.. About missing kids.." I muttered. "He already knew about Olivia going missing for some reason."

"Olly you know fighting is wrong."

"I know."

"But honestly I'm proud of you."

I smiled.

"Next time it happens I want to see you beat the life out of the jerk." A voice from nearby yelled. I turned to see the Legion. I'm going to assume Scissors was the one talking but what are they doing here?

"Oh, I forgot to mention the Legion's here." the Craftsmen said. 

Stapler rested his head on my foot. I chucked and rubbed his head. "Thanks...." I said to the Craftsmen. "So, what are you doing here?"

"Ok..." Rubber Band started "So we went to Bowser castle, you know the place where the green streamer was."

"I know where that is."

"And we ran into Handaconda..."

Jean-Pierre finished for her. "He told us that Olivia was in the castle and Bowser will give us her if you come."

"So it's revenge."

"And Bribing." Tape muttered.

"Shut up." Scissors said. "That wasn't necessary."

"It was cause it's true." she rolled her eyes at him.

"Well should we go then." I asked.

"Don't you have school?" Hole Punch asked.

"This is important besides I have three days to spare."

"Ok then we're going now." Scissors yelled.

"Wait you go suspended." Jean asked. Starting at me.

"I punched a student..."

"Yay! Good job boss." Hole Punch laughed.

I couldn't help but laugh with him. The black dog started wagging his tail.

"Come on...We have no time ta lose." Tape headed out the door. "Youse comin' Olly?

"Yeah, let's go get back my sister."

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