26. Does your mother know?

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Mary's P.O.V.

Ollie turned to us; a wicked grin spread across his features.

"Oh, but I do." 

With a huff Roger started for the door, tugging me along. When he got to the door Ollie closed it in his face, slipping into the parking lot where he proceeded to break into a run.

Roger followed.

"You can't be serious! We aren't about to steal-"

"Finish that sentence and I'll kill you where you stand you hear me." Ollie warned. He reached the battered pick up we arrived in and began rooting through the driver's side.

"This feels wrong." Roger protested.

Ollie poked his head over the roof, "oh, I'm sorry what's your plan?"

He paused but only for a moment, as if he were actually asking Roger his plan. "That's right it was to sit on the side of the bloody road and wait for a car to come by to come and rescue us! Or what was the other one? Oh, yes walk to find a phone and call for someone! I mean blimey Rog have you any brains at all? I've provided us with options. As usual I came up with a plan and got us out of our little pickle we had there."

Roger went quiet, his lips tight. 

"Ah, here we are. I knew he was brick headed. Thank you to my excellent judge of character." Ollie exclaimed. He slid a key in the ignition and slipped into the driver's seat.

"Right then, get in!" He called to us with the window rolled down when we didn't move immediately. 

"I don't feel right about this." Roger tried again.

Ollie pulled sunglasses out of an overhead compartment and placed them over his face.

"Get in or I'm leaving you here. Your choice."


The rest of the trip had been eventful. As it so happens that great highway system President Eisenhower and his team were always talking about had not yet been entirely built. The I-10 did not yet make it all the way out to Arizona like it was meant to. Naturally, because it didn't completely exist yet.

So far, we had spent three and a half days on the road to Yuma, Arizona. Much of the trip being bumper to bumper traffic. Roger had wanted to stop in certain cities and go site seeing. Ollie denied these requests saying we could do so once they were on tour with the band.

We did spend some time in Florida to get to the I-10, which would have been nice if I was fully functioning and thinking straight. I just remember getting a full change of clothes and some much needed ice for my nose. 

Once again seeing the country was an experience. Traversing the United States and seeing what they had to offer was wonderful. The scenic views on the highway were something to be appreciated even in my delirious state and even better on the little dirt roads. I found myself smiling in the back seat passing enchanted forests, sparkling bodies of water, magnificent deserts and majestic mountains.

Previously, I had never been farther than New Jersey. Leaving New York had only been for shipping away to the Charleton home and they never let me see much. All the travels Irene and Jared had done they had done without me. After Jared passed Irene sort of lost her taste for travel.

The guilt of leaving her still ate away at me. Still if I had never left would I ever have gotten to see the things I was seeing? I'd like to appreciate them a bit better and perhaps gain some cognitive function to do so. But I figured I'd have time. After all Ollie claimed we'd see everything when we went on tour.

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