Shopping Trip

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Bucky must've been big when he woke up the next morning because Y/n woke up to the sound of the shower running. She looked over to see Bucky's blanket and his stuffed dog left in his spot and connected the dots. When he came back out into the bedroom, dressed in sweatpants and an old T-shirt that definitely used to belong to Y/n, she smiled at him and patted the bed, beckoning him to sit beside her.

"So it's not like we need to have a long talk every time you're little with me," she began, "but yesterday was something new and I just need to know that we're on the same page about it." Bucky nodded his head, fidgeting with the edge of his blanket. Even when he was big the soft fabric brought him comfort, much like Y/n herself did. "How did you feel about what we did yesterday?" She asked.

Bucky flushed red with embarrassment, was she really going to make him say it? "I, uh, I liked it." He said quickly, hoping that the short answer would suffice.

But Y/n wasn't going to let him off that easily. "What did you like, Buck?" She needed to hear him say it, she needed to know that he wasn't pretending so that she'd be happy.

He almost hid his face in his blanket before he caught himself. "I liked being cuddled and held all day, and I liked the bottles," he thought he might melt into a pile of humiliated goo, but she nodded her head encouragingly and he kept going. "I liked it when you comforted me, it felt good knowing that I could feel the bad stuff without anyone getting upset with me. That's still new, I'm not used to positive attention when I'm little."

She smiled sadly. She was all too familiar with little Bucky's reactions to affection and even basic human kindness. "So was there anything you wanted to change or not do again?"

"We should probably work on how clingy I am," he mumbled, looking down at the bed. "I wouldn't want you to get sick of me." The last thing he wanted right now was for her to get fed up and leave. Even though it would hurt, he knew it was better to have distance now than be all alone later.

"I'm not going to get sick of you," she said, "if you being clingy hurts you then I'll help you work on it. But if you're only saying that because you think I don't like it, we don't need to do anything. I like holding you, I like that you find comfort in having me close. It makes me feel like I'm important, like I'm useful."

"You really don't mind it?" Bucky was having trouble believing her, after all who would want a crybaby like him clinging to them all day? He certainly wasn't small or cute enough to be worth all that like real babies were.

"Of course not, you're my baby," she patiently explained, "babies need lots of attention and affection. I told you that I liked taking care of you, and I meant it."

"But aren't I heavy? Don't you want someone smaller, or cuter, that you can carry around like that?" Just because she was taller than him by a few inches didn't mean that he wasn't still a large man. He was at least 5'9" and pretty big. He was painfully aware that he just wasn't the right size for all this.

"Honey, I'm a super soldier. I could carry you all day long with no problem." She said, as though she couldn't fathom why she would ever want someone else. "And just for the record, you're an adorable baby. You're small enough to fit just right in my lap, and that's the perfect size if you ask me."

"So you liked what we did yesterday?" He asked tentatively. No matter how much he wanted it, he wasn't going to push for it if she wasn't ok with it.

"I loved what we did yesterday," she said, "I loved getting to hold you and feed you and take care of you all day. You were so sweet and cuddly, I haven't enjoyed myself that much in a while."

"Really?" He finally tore his eyes off the bed and looked at her face, "Would you want to do it again?"

"Absolutely," she smiled and pulled him into her, squeezing tight to punctuate her words. "Now let's have some breakfast. I'm starving."

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