Chapter 14

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  • Dedicated to The people who read my story and actually take the time to VOTE and to COMMENT!!

**** Tee hee, I'm too nice to you guys. I'm on spring break, and I have absolutely nothing to do, so I said what the heck and started writing. And if it seems rushed, or there's a typo, or if you just genuinely like it, drop me a comment. Please? Or maybe even vote?


Ch. 14

As the boy glares at me, probably set on putting a knife to my neck, I clear my throat uncomfortably and glance over at Marvel, who's several feet away from me. Through the pouring rain, I can just make out his silhouette. He's tipping his head back and is probably trying to catch the rain in his mouth. Little does he know that there's another tribute that wants to kill us right behind him.

My eyes glued to the boy, never leaving his hiding spot, I walk gingerly over to Marvel. I tap him on the shoulder, and he gives me a look.

"Um... Marvel," I say tentatively.

"What?" He asks. "Can't this wait a second? I'm still so thirsty, and I haven't had enough water to drink."

"No, it can't wait," I say impatiently. "Turn around."

He rotates his body to the mystery tribute, and looks back at me, confused. "And what am I supposed to be looking at exactly?"

"The boy," I say. "There was a tribute... Right there... And he was glaring at us!"

"Yeesh, Peeta. You need to drink some water or something. You're crazy. Dude, there's nobody there!"

I look back over there myself to see no one.

"But he was here! I swear! I'm not making this up!"

Marvel shakes his head sadly. "Yep, you're totally crazy."

I don't want this to end badly, or to have us all end up dead. Well, personally I would like Cato and Glimmer dead, but hey, safety in numbers. So, I walk over to them and tap Cato on the arm.

"What is it this time?" He questions.

"There's a tribute, a boy, behind that tree," I point out, motioning to where I saw the boy hide. I hope he believes me... If not, I'm just going to have to keep my eyes open for him and stand guard.

"Yeah. Sure. Whatever. Tell that to someone who cares," he sniffs, pointing to Glimmer. "You're probably just making it up, anyways."

But how many times do I have to tell people that I'm not?!? If he doesn't believe me, than I guess it's his loss. "Well, I'm not making it up. So when he comes out and kills you because you are unprepared, then you're welcome for the warning."

I stomp away furiously over to Glimmer as Cato gawks at me. Glimmer has to believe me. She just has to. Besides, she has this huge crush on me, so she should listen to what I have to say. Maybe.

"Glimmer?" I say.

"Yes?" She bats her eyelashes at me flirtatiously, and I do my best not to cringe.

"Would you do me a favor and go look behind that tree over there? I think I saw something. I'll go with you, if you'd like."

"Uh huh," she nods stupidly, staring at me like I was a piece of meat and she was a dog. Ew. Love at first sight. Well, to her, anyways. I start in that direction, and she follows me eagerly as we get right up next to the tree. She pulls out her bow and arrows as I pull out my knife. I'm better with my knife than my spear.

Wait, bow and arrows? I look at them, and they're silver, just like the one that Katniss was looking for at the Cornucopia. At least, I think that's what she was looking for. If she was going to look for something in the Cornucopia, a bow and a sheath of arrows would be her best bet, with the skills she has. She'd be stupid not to want them. Maybe I could figure out a way to steal them from Glimmer and get them to h-

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