Cridit and Info

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Background Info

Story created by Samuel Picard. 

When this story was first made it was hand written and I thought when I finished the 100 pages in it to put on a document so others could read it. 

I have hand written 3 and a half stories. 

The two are completed only by hand but not the third so I could focus more on typing the first story.

 Typing the first one became a bust as I noticed the story made no sense and was more cringey so what I did I made a new one which was this one.

 It had more pages than I was expecting but that's what makes a story right? 

At first with this story I had gotten a journal. 

Well my problem was I had no clue what to write so I was scrolling through youtube because why not then I saw a video and thought hey what if I put an Oc in that story make it different in a way making my own story. 

Not all of it was completely originally mine because it's based on a video and a few charters.

 Hollow was the first Oc to be put in the story, I'm not too sure where exactly I got the idea for her name but then it came to me as I made her more throughout the story line. 

It's who she is and how she feels, she tries to be full of things but yet on the inside there's nothing, not a single emission almost.

 A character trying to battle so many issues that she has and yet no one knows. Hollow was kinda based on my deep emotion to some humane's, I had to let them go somehow before snapping then again I wonder at times when I will. 

It is also for if I went dark in some sort of way but I like how this story is so nothing to really worry about. This story was hand written and typed and typed again.

 It took me 2 years to make it but I'm glad to finish this story.

Willow Ames has helped with this story by looking over and seeing any mistakes in the story. I give you lots of thanks for all the help that you have done with this story.

(References/ what it is from so it doesn't seem it's completely copyrighted.)

The story that it is based on: FNAF The Musical: Webs Of Lies. ( Cringe I know.)

FNAF The Musical, as well.

Bill Cipher is a character from Gravity Falls if human. The creature and voice actor of the show and creator: Alex Hirsch.

Gems based on Steven Universe. The creator is: Rebecca Sugar.

Mark: Markiplier. 

Jack: Jacksepticeye. 

Afton: Matpat. 

Elizabeth: Adrisaurus

{ Start date: 9/ 18/ 2019 }

{ Finished date: 10/ 5/ 2021 }

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