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Type: fluff

"Looooke?" A whining tone of voice could be heard echoing across the room. A mauve haired boy sat lazily draped on the couch, calling his lover's name.

"Yes?" A certain brunette popped his head around the corner, his golden gaze met with the one he loved the most.

Zander sat up, trying to fix his hair so he didn't look so tatty, and gave a small, innocent smile towards his boyfriend, "Can you come over here?" He asked rather shyly, patting the space next to him on the couch.

Luke smirked, knowing exactly what Zander wanted, but he wasnt going to let it be that simple for him. "What do you want?" He asked, a teasing tone erupting in his deep voice. He sat down on the plush couch next to the smaller boy and just looked at him, waiting for an answer.

Zander blushed, bringing the pillow he held right up to his chest, slightly covering the bottom half of his face with it before muffling something.

Luke turned his head in slight confusion, though he could probably guess what Zander was going to say, he still wanted the pianist to admit it. "What was that?" He teased, coming closer to the elder of the two.

Zander blushed harder at the close contact between their faces before he tried speaking again, but it only came out as a muffle from the pillow covering his mouth.

Luke giggled, moving slightly closer so their noses were now touching, making Zander blush an even deeper shade of red, "Pardon?" Luke smirked, taking hold of Zander's hands.

The grape felt his face going hotter as he removed the pillow from his face, well, tried to with his hands in Luke's, and spoke one more, "I-I want... cuddles...." He murmured, averting Luke's golden gaze and turning his gentle lavender eyes to the ground beneath them.

Luke gave a big smile, released Zander's hands and wrapped his arms around his small, fragile form. "Okay, I can do that for you~" He said ever so casually, teasing Zander once more.

The latter leaned into the warm touch of his lover, resting his head on his chest as his eyes fluttered closed.

Luke's facial expression softened at the sight. He pecked the top of Zander's head, getting the same whiff of lavender as it trickled up his nostrils, and closed his eyes too, making sure to keep his lover close.

"I love you Zander." The drummer whispered softly, assuming Zander was asleep.

"Love you too, dummy."

As Luke heard the voice coming from below him, he blushed, getting a little flustered as he thought Zander wouldn't hear him, "Y-you're awake?!" He blurted, shoving his face into Zander's purple hair.

"Yes, idiot. I can't fall asleep so quickly!" The pianist chuckled, gripping tighter onto the bigger of the two.

"O-ok." Was all Luke managed to get out before he felt lips press against his own. He blinked in shock, realizing Zander was kissing him, so he, obviously, kissed back, wrapping his arms securely around the smaller.

As they pulled away, they both said coincidentally at the same time, "I love you."


Hellooooooo. I'm away atm so here's a little fluffy oneshot for y'all. I won't rlly have much time to update this book while I'm away, so I'll do more when I get back next week. I'll still update my tmf dump book tho since that doesn't rlly take as much time...

Anyway I hope you all enjoyed! Bye✨

𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ♡ (complete//hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now