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"I already told all of you to look after her while I'm gone!" Koko exclaimed and couldn't contain his anger, it's been an hours since Y/n was gone and now, thousands of polices and investigators are all around Japan just to find her, Koko doesn't know where she is now and that's why he already called them.

"Koko, please calm down" his mother says; almost tearing up after hearing the news that she was gone.

"Mom, how can i calm down in this situation?" He asked standing up from his sit and going outside the company. Workers seems to lessen, some of them join the polices and the others are looking through the CCTV to find or see who she maybe with before she disappears, but none of them saw any footages.


"I'm gonna find my wife, no matter what it takes" Koko declared, dialing someone's number.

"Hello? Koko? Is there something wrong?"

Ran Haitani's voice was the first he heared.

"Ran, Rindou. Help me find my wife"

"Y/n?? What happened to her!??"

"We still don't know where she is, but i'll look around to find her, the only thing i need from both of you is to check all buildings, abondoned or not please check them."

There was a short silent between them.

"Sure, anything for you."


"Koko, don't you find Mikey and Sanzu suspicious this past few months?"

Rindou couldn't take it and ask him. Lately, Sanzu was acting strange when he's with them. He and Mikey will always whisper to each other while glaring a Koko.

And here's Koko, frowning at the sudden question.


"I'm sorry, but i notice how they act when you always mention Y/n's name in front of them"


"Don't know if—.... Can you check the hide out? Just call me when something's wrong"

"Okay, we'll do it now."

"Been looking forward for this day to come" Mikey's voice lingered to her ears, echoing on the room. Sanzu was beside him while holding his Katana, they both have a smug smirk on their faces which creeps her more.

Y/n was tied in the chair, a type of cloth covering her mouth.

"Fuckers" she cursed under her breath while giving the two a glare.

The door opens revealing Kakucho with a emotionless expression while eyeing her, he looks concern, angry and something inside him makes him want to punch Mikey and Sanzu.

He glance at her direction.

"Ran and Rindou already arrived" Kakucho says, he was still glancing at her second-by-second as if telling her to calm down and 'Help is going to be here soon'.

Y/n sigh and close her eyes, hoping to see Koko soon.

The door opens again as the two Haitani walk in; looking directly at her with same expression as Kakucho has. Concern and anger creeps to both of them upon seeing her being tied up like that and abused too much.

Rindou secretly and slowly pulled out his phone and opening it, it was in his notes and it seems something was written there, but she couldn't clearly see, since her vision is too blurry.

"Shall we start?" Mikey asked them.

The rosy hair then walk towards her.

"Yeah... Let's start" Ran says and pulled out his gun before pointing it towards Mikey's head. Sanzu points his Katana to Ran but Rindou blocked his way. "Shits on you, Koko trusted you" Kakucho says before pulling his gun out and opens the door.

"You jerks" Mikey cursed while gritting his teeth in annoyance that they all find out his true intensions and plans.

"Fucking traitors" Sanzu said.

"Who betrayed first? Isn't it you two?" Rindou asked, glaring at the rosy haired guy.

Y/n fell from the chair as Kakucho free her, she stumble and unable to walk, she was exhausted.

Before Y/n and Kakucho got out, Sanzu stabbed Rindou on his side before quickly running to them and blocked their way out with his weapon, Kakucho did the same and point his gun towards Sanzu.

"Not gonna let you escape alive."

Meanwhile, Mikey had already bring down the Haitani brother. Kakucho and Y/n are the only person left.


"I choked him" Mikey asnwers.

"Now the...."

"Kakucho, take care of Sanzu, i'll take care of this Emo" Y/n spat before standing up, vision is still not that good but she can see Mikey.

"Ha!? You've got to be kidding me! You're still injured" Kakucho exclaimed before standing up.

Y/n turn around and smile at him.

"I'm okay, I'm more confident at Hand to Hand Combat" She says earning a chuckle from Mikey.

"Hand to Hand Combat? A girl like you?"

"I used to play Taekwondo and Aikido back then.... I'm a Black belt alumni anyway" She flexes and walk towards Mikey.

Kakucho laughs. "If you say so, Koko will not be here anytime soon. So..."

He dragged Sanzu away with him, leaving Y/n and Mikey alone. Her warm smile was replaced with a poker face while she stared deeply into his eyes.

"I'm glad i can fight the Invincible Mikey."

Mikey was about to say something but got cut off by Y/n kicking him on the nose making him fell down and nose is bleeding.

But it didn't take too long for Mikey to stand up and fought back by also kicking and punching her.

Come, Koko.


Everything's happening so fast :::)

By the way, i also play Taekwondo other than that, i also play volleyball, and other sports too. Lmao just saying.

One last chapter and this Book One will end *cheers*

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