Luna [Ch. 7]

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Luna: The Moon Goddess

Previously: “Hannah and I got into an argument last night and broke up,” Travis said. “Did you love her?” I asked him. He shook is head. “Then you’ll get over it,” I told him simply. The Tony Grawl mission is exactly that, a suicide mission, and my father’s planning on sending Sarah. She’s not ready for a mission that big. “Yes I am. Whatever you’re in sounds dangerous, so I’m com—” Before Travis was able to finish his sentence, I reached up and pressed onto his pressure point near his collar bone, causing him to go into immediate sleep. When my father has his mind made up, there’s no turning back…

[AN: while writing this, I realized that the name “Sam” had already been used for one of the guys that work with Luna’s dad. I had forgotten when I wrote it again last chapter for Travis’ friend’s name that was at the dinner. So, I’ve changed Travis’ friend’s name to Matt. Sorry for the confusion :P]

Chapter 7

I pressed the red button and heard it buzz. A few minutes passed and there was no response. I pressed it again. “Luna?” I heard Tucker’s voice ask in curiosity. There was no point in me trying to sneak in, it’ll just make things worse for Sarah. God, I can’t believe my father has scooped as though as bringing her into this. She’s only been training for a few years for Christ sake.

“Yes, open up,” I answer him.

“Are you crazy? Don’t you know that if anyone sees you here you’re as good as dead?” he informed me. I nodded my head as I look up to the camera. There was a pause on the intercom before I heard him sigh. “D*mn it Luna,” he said in a disappointed tone. 

“I’ll be fine Tucker. Thanks for caring,” I tell him before driving my motorcycle up the driveway. As soon as I pulled into the garage and turned off the engine, I heard the clicks of guns. Then suddenly about 12 guys emerged with guns pointed directly at me. I sighed and got off my bike.

I noticed Sam, the leader of the pack, walk up to me with handcuffs. “Handcuffs? Seriously?” I asked skeptically. He smirked and walked behind me. He roughly pulled my hands behind my back. “You know I can still kick you’re a*s….literally,” I assured him as I gestured to the fact that my legs could be used.

He chuckled and locked the cuffs on my wrists tighter than needed. “Let’s go princess,” he whispered in my ear before pushing me forward. All the guys with weapons kept them pointed at me as I walked pass them. Really? They’re acting like I’m a freaking terrorist or something. Sam grabbed hold of my elbow and began leading my towards my father’s office.

There was a silence among us as we neared the door. Sam knocked twice on the door. “Come in,” I heard my father’s voice from behind the closed door. I inhaled.

“Showtime,” I mumbled to myself as Sam reached for the door handle and opened the door.

My father was, as always, sitting behind his desk. He closed his laptop as we all entered. “Aw Luna, how’ve you been?” he asked me as if everything’s normal. I didn’t respond. “Have a seat,” my father instructed. I didn’t move, at least not until Sam pushed me forward and forced me down into the seat adjacent to my father.  

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