Luna [Ch. 15]

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Chapter 15

I don't like limos. Never have, never will. It's just a way of telling people you have a lot of money so come and take it. My dad despises them as much as I. He'd never be caught dead in one. Seems like Tony Grawl doesn't share the same feelings toward them.

As of right now, Travis, Tony Grawl, and I are on our way to Grawl's headquarters. I was speechless to find out that man I've grown to loathe over the years is the father to the guy I'm grown to tolerate. Speaking of Travis, he's sat next me.

I look at him and can make out all the emotions entirely from his face. His eyes are hard and sharp, showing his anger. His Adam 's apple continues to rise and fall, showing his strength in holding back his tears. His jaw is locking repeatedly, showing a clear sign of him holding back from speaking.

I guess I understand his feelings. He was under the impression that his father died in a car crash along with his mother. And now, five years later, his father appears in his life without a hint or clue of his whereabouts. I know I'd feel the same if it had been my mother to emerged in plain sight. I look to his father, the Tony Grawl.

He had returned his sunglasses back to his eyes, hiding his emotions. He sat across from us, his hands holding the other. His head was directed toward us as well. I couldn't see his eyes, but I just knew he was looking between the two of us curiously.

"So, how did you two meet?" Tony ask, finally breaking the silence.

"Where's mom?" Travis asks, completely ignoring his father's initial question. This is the first time he'd spoken in the past hour.

Tony sighs, feeling sympathy from his son. "Son..."

"Don't," Travis cut him off sharply. I've never heard his voice so threatening before. I look done at his hands that were clutching into fist. He raises his head and stares at his father. "Don't try to pity me, not after all these years," he says. He obviously knew what his father was going to say.

Hell, even I knew from just that one word his father spoke. Just that one word let us know that his mother, did indeed, die in that car accident.

"I don't expect you to understand my decision to stay away from you, but believe me, it was for your own safety," Tony tries to explain. Travis shook his head as he looks down, signaling that he doesn't want to hear whatever his dad is going to say.

I watch him inhale and exhale multiple times, trying to get control of his emotions.

It's weird. This feeling I have that makes me want to comfort him is weird. I want to let him know that he's stronger than this. But...I don't know how. As a soldier, we're taught to put our emotions on a back burner. I've been raised to not let my personal emotions about something get in the way of my duties.

"Emotions make you weak, Luna. When you cry, you allow your enemy to take those tears, put them in a gun, and shot them back at you. Never show you're weaknesses to your enemies. Never show them to your friends. Never show them to your family. Because, anyone can turn on you. Anyone. And when they do, they are already are a step ahead."

My dad's words echo in my head. That's why I'm the best. I live by that motto.

But seeing Travis in this state is causing me to second guess my motto. I fight my dad's words away and suck it up. I curse myself as I reach over to Travis, and awkwardly pat the back of his hand once, twice, three times. This is all I can do. This is all I know how to do.

Travis, although in that state, seemed to understand my sad attempt at comforting him. He maneuvers his hand, so that our paws are touching, and our fingers interlocks.

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