First Night

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Lydia stared at the two demons who were staring at her. "Please if this is a dream, don't let me wake up," Lydia thought.

"And who might you be?" Claude said in an interested tone.

"I- uh. Well... " Lydia wasn't sure how to explain herself.

"You're making her nervous Faustus," Sebastian said coolly to Claude. He held his briefcase, which Lydia knew held Ceil, tightly. Sebastian smiled at Lydia, "Will you please share your name, my lady?"

She couldn't believe that they were both here... in front of her. Lydia stuttered, "L-Lydia Jennings."

The two demons walked over to her. She looked at both of them. She was very nervous. What was about to happen? Sebastian took one of her hands and Claude took her other. They bought them to their lips and kissed the back of her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Jennings," both of them said.

"It's nice to meet you too Sebastian and Claude," Lydia said.

The two demons now looked more interested. "How, might I ask, Lady Jennings, do you know who we are?" Claude asked.

"Crap!" Lydia said.

She tried to pry her hands out of their grip, but she couldn't. "Whatever could be the problem, my lady?" Sebastian asked.

"Shouldn't you two be fighting?" Lydia asked.

"You're much more interesting," Sebastian said.

"Indeed," Claude agreed. "Now... how do you know who we are?" he tilted his head slightly.

Lydia opened her mouth but then an annoying voice yelled out, "CLAUDE!"

Claude's eyebrows lowered over his golden eyes, and he huffed. He then straightened his already perfect jacket before turning to Sebastian, "Do you think you can get her out of here, Michaelis?"

"What kind of butler would I be if I couldn't do something so simple?" Sebastian smirked before lifting Lydia effortlessly in his arms.

Lydia protested but she was held securely. Claude whispered in her ear, "We're far from finished, Lady Jennings. I shall see you again."

Her cheeks burned red, but the next thing she knew they were out the door of the Trancy manor. She had to close her eyes because of how fast Sebastian was running. She didn't open them again until she felt something soft beneath her.

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