At Phantohive Manor

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Lydia's eyes flew open once her back touched the plush material. "Ah and here I thought that you were asleep," Sebastian's voice came from somewhere nearby.

Lydia sat up and took in the room. It was much nicer than her own. She was still in her outfit, so that was a good thing. "Where am I?" she asked in a soft voice, though she knew Sebastian could hear her.

He held the candelabra full of candles in his hand, his lips pressed in a tight line, "You're in the Phantomhive Manor, Lady Jennings."

"Wh-" she began but was interrupted when she heard a noise.

Lydia looked around the room wildly only to see Claude coming through the window. She breathed a sigh of relief. "You're late Faustus," Sebastian said tightly.

Claude gave him a hard look, "I got away as soon as my master was asleep Michaelis."

Lydia was a little confused as she looked at the two of them. Sure there was some animosity there, but not the outright hatred that she had seen when she watched the show. "Sorry to interject here, but don't you two hate each other?"

She really should have kept her mouth shut. Now they were both looking at her. Their appraising gazes trying to figure her out. "And how would you know that?" Sebastian asked.

Claude reached out a hand and tucked it under her chin, "Most interesting."

"Please don't hurt me," Lydia begged, a few tears seeping from her eyes.

Now Claude and Sebastian glanced at each other shocked. "Why on earth would you think that?" Claude asked gently.

"B-because I know," Lydia wept.

"Know what, Lady Jennings?" Sebastian prompted.

"Everything. All about you both and what is going here," she blurted out.

Sebastian glanced at Claude. "What do you mean?" Claude asked further.

"I know you both are demons!" Lydia exclaimed. "I know what will happen to you both, to Ceil, and Alois! Well, I know what will happen to everyone!"

The two demons locked eyes with each other. Then both of them placed a hand on Lydia's back. It felt reassuring. "You don't have to explain if you don't feel comfortable, Lady Jennings," Sebastian began.

"Just know that we'll be here for you when and if you need us," Claude finished.

Lydia rubbed her eyes and looked up at both of them, "But I don't understand. Why? I know you can't stand each other. Not a few hours ago you were trying to kill each other."

They both smiled and not the fake smiles that she knew they both had done before, but real smiles. "It's exceedingly rare when a demon comes across one such as you," Claude said brightly.

"What do you mean?" Lydia asked.

"First," Sebastian said as he brushed her hair away from her neck, then bent down and inhaled her scent, "How old are you, my lady?"

Was she seeing things or were their eyes glowing? Lydia squeaked, the sight catching her off guard, "T-twenty-one."

"She makes such lovely noises," Claude said as he brushed his gloved hand along Lydia's spine.

"Indeed, and we need not wait for her to come of age," Sebastian said, his nose drawing along the column of her neck.

"N-now just wait a minute here!" Lydia said as loudly and firmly as she could. "Someone better start talking now. What is going on?"

Sebastian sat up and both he and Claude looked at her like dying men. "You're right Lady Jennings, Claude and I don't particularly care for one another. You might say we hate one another," Sebastian began.

"However, many things can change that, my lady. The presence of your person has done just that," Claude finished.

"But I don't understand why," Lydia shook her head slightly.

"Never fear, love, we'll explain," Claude began. "Demons aren't especially prone to feelings of any kind, mostly just hunger... hunger for human souls."

"There's one feeling though that can override that feeling, and that is love. Do you find it odd that demons can love?" Sebastian asked. "Call it fate, a curse, or whatever you please, but demons have a mate."

"Now it has rarely happened, but once or twice there's been a pair blessed with a mate," Claude said.

"And that is what has seemed to have occurred here," Sebastian finished.

"Okay... so what happens now?" Lydia asked what seemed to be the obvious question.

"We want to claim you, love," Sebastian said.

"But that will have to wait as there are other things at play," Claude said.

"Is this about Ceil and Alois?" Lydia asked.

The two of them didn't say anything but their expressions gave it away. "Look," she sighed deeply. "I don't know how else to explain this, but I know exactly what is going to happen between all four of you plus Hannah and the triplets. It's not pretty! If you go down the road that you're on..." Lydia sobbed. "Claude you'll die, Alois will die. And... and-" Lydia just couldn't continue. She was a sobbing mess.

Claude wrapped his arms around her, not saying a word, just digesting what she said. Sebastian stared at her, but whispered, "And what? Please tell me, my love."

Lydia looked up at Sebastian tears streaming down her cheeks, "And you'll be stuck in an eternal contact with Ceil because he 'll be turned into a demon."

"Oh my! I do think we need to reevaluate some things," Sebastian said as he too wrapped his arms around Lydia.

They sat like that for an unfathomable length of time, just the three of them. Finally, Claude pulled away saying. "I must get back. We'll speak again. Next time, love I wish to learn more," he looked to Sebastian. "Can she stay here? I know she'll be safer."

"Of course. You have my word," Sebastian said.

There was an unreadable expression on both their faces, but Claude seemed satisfied and left the same way he came. Sebastian stood and said, "You need your rest, love. Tomorrow will be a new day. I will just tell the young master that we hired you as a new maid."

"Goodness knows you need a good maid and cook," Lydia chuckled.

"So you know about our staffing woes?" Sebastian asked.

"I told you. I know everything," Lydia raised her arms in mock defeat.

"Then you can start tomorrow and help me in the kitchen with breakfast. Sleep well, love," Sebastian winked as he left the room.

It took forever before Lydia was able to go to sleep.

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