Fifth Night

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"I'm so glad that we took care of that," Lydia sighed heavily.

"Oh... is that so, my dear? Do tell?" Claude asked.

And so Lydia began to describe what would've happened if they hadn't done what they did that night. "Oh, dear. So Hannah would have performed a piece on that dreadful instrument. I'm glad we didn't have to deal with the aftermath of that," Sebastian said.

"Yes, the armonica was Alois' idea to get everyone in the manor to die," Claude said.

"Oh! And I just remembered something horrible!" Lydia exclaimed.

Claude maneuvered her to sit down on the bed and then the two of them sat on the bed beside her each taking one of her hands. "What did you remember?" Sebastian asked.

Lydia looked between them. "The two of you. You... you made a pact," she shook her head. "Claude never intended to live up to his end of the bargain in the end. The bargain was for Alois to become the target for Ciel's revenge and then once the revenge was realized then the two of you would battle for his soul. The thing that Claude never understood, though he was focused on Ciel's soul was that he was really after Alois'. He didn't realize that until the moment before he died."

Claude kissed her on top of her head, "I am here now, love. That future no longer exists."

"That does beg the question about Ciel," Sebastian said.

"What about him?" Lydia looked up at Sebastian while being held by Claude.

"Well, there is the matter of his memory," Sebastian said, raising a hand. "And then there is what to do once the contract is over," he said raising his other arm.

"I've never wanted you to finish your contract with Ciel!" Lydia exclaimed. "He should live."

Claude sighed, "That is a wonderful sentiment, love, but what shall we eat? I know Sebastian and I are starving and it won't be long before you need to eat as well."

"Perhaps sooner than we thought," Sebastian said.

"What?" Claude looked at him. "Why?"

"Do you want to tell him, or shall I, dear?" Sebastian looked down at Lydia.

Claude now looked at her, a concerned look on his face. "What is going on?" he asked her.

"It's not anything terrible," Lydia assured him. "It's just that my emotions have been all over the place... especially today."

There was a big intake of breath from Claude as he looked at her and then Sebastian. Sebastian just nodded. "This is wonderful news!" Claude exclaimed.

"Huh?" Lydia asked now looking to Sebastian.

"This is one of the signs that you are pregnant," Sebastian informed her.

Lydia's mouth dropped as did her hands to her belly. She'd wanted a family, even if this seemed a bit early, but she couldn't be upset at this news. "I'm so happy," she sniffled.

The two of them enveloped her. They sat like that for the longest time in silence. Then Claude said, "You will have to keep us abreast of any other things that might happen to you."

"Yes. We may need to get some special tea for you," Sebastian said.

"I remember seeing you do that for Ciel after he was turned into a demon. It was invisible on the screen," Lydia said.

Sebastian chuckled, "Well it would look like that to the human eye, but to demons, it has a distinct look."

"Can we get back to talking about Ciel?" Lydia asked.

"Of course, love," Claude said.

"But you must remember that you're talking to two starved demons. You may be a little more rational than either of us," Sebastian said.

"Could you just not find, I don't know a criminal, and eat their soul. They at least deserve to die!" Lydia said, getting exasperated.

Claude wrinkled his nose, "It is not something at least I prefer to do. Most of them are filth, not a worthy soul to be found. However, demons can subsist on meals such as this if needed."

"It seems Claude and I have chosen our meals differently from some other demons, though. It is not all that common to stay with a master for years on end just to get a soul," Sebastian offered.

"No, indeed," Claude said. "I, myself, do not just answer the first summons I get. It has to be a truly unique individual to catch my interest."

"Will I get summoned?" Lydia asked.

"Without a doubt, but not for many, many years to come," Sebastian said to give her some comfort.

Lydia grasped both of Sebastian's hands, "Please! Please, my love! Just tell me that you can let Ciel go. I will never interfere again. Just. Let. Ciel. Go."

It was Sebastian's turn for a deep intake of breath. Claude didn't say anything, he just kept a hand on Lydia's back. Sebastian pulled himself closer to Lydia, "Is this that important to you, love?"

"Yes, Sebastian. More than anything," Lydia assured him as she put a hand on the side of his face.

"Then, for you, I will end my contract with him, but only after his memory comes back," Sebastian said.

Lydia was so happy that she pulled Sebastian in for a kiss. "We will do all in our power to help Ciel restore his memory," Claude said.

"You two are both amazing," Lydia said, then in an almost embarrassed tone of voice, "What about adopting Ciel?"

Both Claude and Sebastian huffed in laughter and shook their heads. "For you, little mate, we would do anything," Claude said.

"Even stay here after I break the contract, just for you," Sebastian said.

"I love you both so much!" Lydia exclaimed.

Sebastian and Claude both claimed a kiss from her and then they spoke of how to bring Ciel's memory back most of the rest of the night.

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