Into the World of Black Butler

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Lydia Jennings sighed as she walked into her apartment. It had been another crap day at the restaurant. She slipped her shoes off at the door and sighed again. Really, if she thought about it, it was a regular day. Every day was crap! She walked to the bathroom and took her long brown hair out of her ponytail. Hazel eyes stared back at the 21-year-old that was a natural beauty with her slim waist and flared hips. She wasn't dressed to show off her natural assets at the moment. Lydia jumped into the shower to wash the grime away from her day.

After her shower, she dressed in a short house dress that looked too nice to lounge around in, but she didn't care. It was frilly around the edges and her favorite color, red. She dried her hair and brushed it. Now she felt like an average person. She blinked her eyes at the woman in the mirror. It wasn't the same one she'd seen before her shower. What a difference that had made. She shook her head as she walked to her bedroom.

She sat on the edge of the bed. Only one thing could make this day better. She turned the TV on and searched for her favorite show. She clicked as soon as she found it. Her face lit up in a smile. Black Butler. No one in her life knew about this. She had developed quite a liking for the show and two characters in particular. She knew it wasn't healthy. For goodness' sake, they weren't real! She knew that. She clicked for the second season to start. That was her favorite season. Lydia watched as the familiar story began. She knew everything about all the episodes of the season, front to back. Lydia found them all so melancholy, but beautiful in their rite. She wished that things could have worked out differently for the characters, but things were what they were. Lydia couldn't change them. Then the theme song started and something... changed. The scene turned black. Lydia flicked the remote but nothing changed. Her eyebrows scrunched. What on earth was going on? Then the blackness started invading her room. Lydia jumped up from her bed in a panic. She let out a yell. She started to dash to her door but it was too late. The blackness soon engulfed her sight.

When she woke up, she stood in the middle of a foyer. It was dark, so she didn't know where to go or where she was. There was a door behind her. She could just open it and run, but she had no idea where she was. She peered into the darkness and listened. Then she heard talking, well more like fighting. It was two voices. She gravitated toward them. It couldn't be. There was no way! But then as she came into the room where they were. The two characters she liked the most were right there in front of her. They were arguing. Lydia could say their lines right along with them. The shock must have gotten to her because she gasped. Then two sets of eyes were on her. One scarlet and one golden. "Ah crap!" Lydia murmured.

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