First Day as a Maid

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After Ciel finished his breakfast Lydia took the tray and headed back to the kitchen. When she entered, Bardroy was there with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. He was lounging in a seat next to the door, his eyes closed. Lydia rolled her eyes and headed to the sink and began to wash the dishes. Then she heard, "Hang on a minute! Who are you? Why are you in my kitchen?"

Lydia turned to look over her shoulder. Bardroy was on his feet, pointing an accusing finger at her. She sighed quietly before she answered, "My name is Lydia Jennings. Today's my first day. I'm the new maid here. How do you do?"

Bardroy ran his hand through his hair. Lydia couldn't tell if he believed her or not, but she went back to washing dishes. "You're American?" the question came softly.

Lydia smiled faintly but didn't stop her work as she began to dry the dishes, "I am. I just came over from the states."

Bardroy made a noise deep in his throat before he spoke again, "It's good to meet another from America. Name's Bardroy, but you can call me Bard."

Lydia turned with the plates in hand ready to put them away, "Pleasure to meet you, Bard."

"Have you already met the others?" Bardroy asked.

Lydia began to put the plates up, "Not yet. I have only met the young master and Sebastian."

Bardroy shivered, "That Sebastian... there's something not right about that man. I can't put my finger on it, but-"

"But what?" a voice asked behind him.

Lydia and Bardroy looked and Sebastian stood in the doorway looking as immaculate as always. Bardroy's face paled. "N-nothing Sebastian. I just remembered I told Finny that I would help him in the garden. It was nice to meet you, Lydia," Bardroy said quickly before he zoomed out of the kitchen.

Lydia tsked, "Was that necessary?"

"No," Sebastian admitted. "But I do admit that it was fun to watch him get so jumpy. How are you doing, my dear?"

"I'm fine Sebastian, though I would like to meet the others."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. I'm stuck here. I might as well make the best out of it."

"If you insist, love," Sebastian sighed and waved her to follow him.

He took her outside to the garden where she saw Mey-rin standing beside Finny who was working. Bardroy was nowhere to be seen. "Mey-rin... Finnian... come here and meet the new maid," Sebastian said.

The two of them looked her way and Finny's face broke into a wide grin before he ran her way. Mey-rin seemed worried but also came over. "Where is Tanaka?" Sebastian asked.

"Hoo Hoo," came a laugh from behind him.

Lydia looked and there was the chibi version of Tanaka. She couldn't help but smile at him. Then she was enveloped in a hug. "Oh it's a pleasure to meet you miss," Finny said.

"Can't breathe," Lydia choked out.

"Let Lydia go please," Sebastian said, but there was a clear threat in his voice.

Finny put Lydia down and backed away from her, "I'm sorry Sebastian. I don't always know my strength."

Lydia smiled and tried to placate the both of them, "I'm alright. Think nothing of it."

Finny broke into a small sweat, "You're too kind."

Lydia turned to Mey-rin, "It's lovely to meet you as well."

"Yes! Right!" Mey-rin suddenly stood straighter than normal.

"We'll be working together Mey-rin, please don't feel like you have to be scared of me."

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