Third Night

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That night after they got back to the manor it was late. Lydia and Sebastian fixed Ciel something small to eat before he went to bed. They then sent the other servants to bed and used their demon speed and cleaned the manor up. Lydia stretched after they finished and started walking. Sebastian came up behind her, "Where are you going, love?"

"I don't know," Lydia said as she turned in his arms. "We're done cleaning up. So much has happened today. I just need to rest."

"Let's go to our room," he said.

"Our room?"

"Well... my room, but it will be our room for as long as we are here," Sebastian said, kissing her cheek.

"What about Claude?"

"I have no doubt he will find us with no problem," he murmured.

"Okay," Lydia said with a soft sigh.

Sebastian took her hands and lead her to his room. It was dark, but she could see perfectly well. Once they were in the room, Lydia sat on the bed. Almost as soon as she was settled there came a knock at the window. Sebastian opened the window and Claude came in. "Good evening, darling. How was your day?" Claude asked as Sebastian closed the window.

Lydia leaned back and closed her eyes, "It was a rough day."

She felt the bed dip and hands on her bed. She didn't open her eyes yet, but she heard Claude ask, "Do you want to talk about it?"

Lydia felt fingers rake through her hair. She leaned her head that way. She sighed softly before opening her eyes and whispered, "I've never seen anyone die before."

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news, my dear, but it will be a common thing for you now," Sebastian said.

She moved her eyes to where she heard his voice come from. Lydia was on Claude's shoulder as Sebastian raked his fingers through her hair. They had both taken their gloves off. Their hands on her were making her feel so much better already. "What do you mean?" Lydia asked.

"Have you not noticed that you're hungry, but that human food doesn't satisfy you?" Claude asked.

Her eyes went wide. She hadn't thought about it until he brought it up. The day had been so draining. Why was it that whenever she made food for Ciel that it held no appeal for her any longer? She nodded her head, though she wouldn't say she was starving. "Entirely normal," Sebastian explained. His eyes changed to a fuchsia color, and he said, "I have been with the young master for around two years. I grow ever more hungry as time goes by."

Then Claude echoed, his eyes turning the same color, "My time with His Majesty has been nearly the same. I feel the same hunger as you."

She looked between the two of them, "I don't understand."

They both looked down at her with loving looks. "The hunger you feel is quite normal for a demoness," Sebastian explained, his eyes back to their normal color.

"Indeed," Claude said, his eyes also back to normal. "You may not be as ravenous as the two of us, but you're still young."

"However, if she were to become pregnant, she may need to eat sooner than expected," Sebastian observed.

"Very true," Claude agreed.

"Hungry for what?" Lydia asked with a little edge in her voice, she was getting anxious.

"Sorry, darling. We didn't mean to ignore your question," Sebastian apologized with a kiss to her temple.

"But to answer your question, you'll be hungry for human souls," Claude answered.

Lydia's eyes got wide and her mouth opened, "I-I don't want to kill anyone!"

Sebastian took her into his arms, "Our innocent little mate. There are plenty of humans out there that are nothing like Ciel."

"Don't remind me," Claude scoffed. He moved closer and put his arms around her, "You don't have to kill anyone that doesn't deserve it."

Lydia was frowning, but there was merit to what they were saying, "I guess you're right."

"Now can we forget about all this and have a good night with our mate?" Claude asked as he moved his hands along Lydia's back.

Lydia's mind snapped back to something that Margaret said. "Wait! Sebastian, do you remember what Margaret said before she died. She said, 'The man with the golden eyes. He promised me!'" she looked at Claude. "You're the only character I know in this world that has golden eyes, Claude. Was Margaret Turner speaking about you?"

Claude sighed deeply as he removed his glasses, "It's possible. I do a great many things for my master. I don't always remember whom I speak with nor what we speak about. I'm sorry that's all I can report for now."

Lydia took Claude's hands, "It's alright. Just, please, from here on in let us know what's going on. It will only help us to stop what will happen between Ciel and Alois."

"You have my word, love," Claude said with a smile.

Sebastian smiled as well then asked with a devious smile, "Now can we have a lovely night with our mate?"

"What about the others in the manor?" Lydia asked.

"I wouldn't be worried about them," Claude said with a devious smirk all his own.

Then the two of them descended on her. It was another blissful night spent in the arms of the men that she loved.

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