The First Investigation

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Almost all the dialogue for this chapter is taken from Season 2 Episode 3 Wench Butler with my own flair thrown in there from time to time. I wanted to be faithful to much of the timeline of the series before I started to veer off completely.


As soon as they set foot in the kitchen, Sebastian set Lydia down and the two of them started to work on Ciel's breakfast. It was different from what he had in the anime, but Lydia didn't think it would matter all that much. Lydia gathered the food and during the time that they were cooking the letter from the queen arrived. Sebastian took the letter. The two of them entered Ciel's study. Lydia set Ciel's breakfast on the desk. "For breakfast, my lord, we have crumpets, sunny side up eggs, and Ceylon tea," Lydia said.

"Thank you, Lydia. It looks lovely," Ciel said passively as he sipped his tea.

"When you're finished with that, there's work to be done?" Sebastian said.

Ciel looked up at him as he took a bite of his crumpet and muttered, "Oh!"

Sebastian handed him the sealed letter. Ciel continued to eat as he read then he asked Sebastian about it. Lydia gave Sebastian a worried look. He just kept his expression neutral and asked, "People being burned alive? Oh, yes. That's to do with the rash of crimes in London? I'm told there was another last night."

Lydia couldn't believe that she was here, right now. She was living the episode. "There was," Ciel said as he looked over the letter. "And naturally Her Majesty grieves for those who have been afflicted and for her citizens who live in fear."

Lydia refilled Ciel's tea, "Is there something else wrong, my lord?"

Ciel handed the letter over to Sebastian who began to read aloud, "We find these events most unsavory. Our course is quite clear. We shall again leave the matter to the Dog and the Spider."

"That's an odd statement," Sebastian commented.

"Yes, it is," Ciel said. "It's almost as if she's saying something like this has happened before. And who is this Spider?"

"It's a mysterious nickname. Spider," Lydia agreed.

"I can't say I ever recall of ever hearing of such a person," Ciel said. "There's no use in sitting here anyway. We'll see to the queen's concerns. That must always be our concern."

"I'll begin the preparations," Sebastian said with a bow and began to walk out.

Lydia began to clear the desk, thinking that now she'd have to stay here. Sebastian stopped at the door, "Do you not think it would be a good idea to bring Lydia along, my lord?"

Ciel looked up from the papers he had begun to work on, "What? Why?"

Sebastian turned and faced Ciel, "I believe she will be a great help to use on the mission."

"Whatever... just get everything prepared so we can leave immediately," Ciel said in an annoyed tone.

"As you wish, my lord," Sebastian bowed before walking out with Lydia following not long after.

Lydia cleaned breakfast up while Sebastian got the carriage ready. Lydia walked out as Sebastian was finishing up. She said, "I just wanted to let you know that while we're at the crime scene there will be kittens there. I know how you are around cats. I just wanted to let you know."

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