Back Story

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Back Story

I should probably introduce myself huh?

I'm Sincere, I'm currently 17 years old with a 2 year old daughter.

Yes I had a baby at 15 but it wasn't intentional.

My mom left me and my baby brother with our abusive and money hungry father who beat us daily for absolutely no reason.

He would force me to sleep with his perverted ass friends for money and I ended up pregnant at 14.

When he found out, he continued to beat me even worse than he did before.

One time he got desperate and was about to let a few strangers take turns with Jayden and I was not about to let that happen to my baby brother.

I left everything behind and ran away with him while I was 2 months pregnant.

I got a few basic jobs and bought a very ran down apartment and from there I decided I would try to start a business temporarily and that's exactly what I did.

I started doing hair and nails to upgrade to something bigger and better.

I forced myself to do at least 8 clients a day and no doubt it was stressful but it was worth it cus I had more than enough for an apartment.

I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on my 15th birthday, evil twin, but I got right back to work as soon as I got home.

Fast forward 2 years, We live in a 4 bedroom 4 bathroom.

I now work full time at Walmart but I still do hair and nails on the side for a lil extra cash.

It's obvious we aren't rich but money isn't as big of an issue as it used to be.

Oh yeah, I might have failed to mention we have another edition to the household, my brothers bestfriend Tyrese.

Him and Jay had been bestfriends since sandbox days and he's really like a brother to us.

He was struggling just like us and when I got us a stable home i went back to get him.

Anyway, that's enough about our sad ass past, we doin better now.

Word Count:358

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