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The next morning


"You ready to go Mari"?

She grabbed her iPad and ran to me.

"I'm ready da da"!

"You ready to see puppies baby"?


She yelled makin me smile.

We was on our way to go pick out a puppies for her and Ren.

Even though it's her birthday, I wasn't gon leave my baby out on this.

I buckled her in and made my way to the shelter.


"Hi, what are we looking for today sir"?

I decided to go wit the classic, a pit.

They friendly as hell despite what people say or show you.

"You got anymore pit puppies".

"We do actually, the last 3".

"They're actually brothers".

She led the way to them and they way I was finna do baby talk to these damn puppies is crazy.

"Here they are, all three of then has had their shots, they've also already been treated for fleas so you won't have to worry about that".

"Da da look! Can we get em all"?!

"We just need 2 baby".

"But if we leave one he will be lonely and sad, their family da da".

"Aww, she's so cute".

The lady said puttin her hand over her heart.

She right, I couldn't just take 2 and leave the other one, they family.

"I'll take all three".


"You sure? people come for this litter all the time".

"Ain't no tellin how long he gon be here by himself and she ain't gon let me live if I leave him".

"Ok, let me get them situated then you can checkout".

"Thank you".

Once we finished in there we took them to PetSmart to get all the necessities and went to target to let Mari pick a few toys for Ren.

Sincere POV

"No, we need more balloons Rese".

"We got damn near 100 balloons Sin, you don't think that's enough"?

"No, I need them covering the roof".

We're currently setting up Ren's lil party.

I was still pissed from last night but pushed that to the side for the sake of my baby's birthday.

I decided at the last minute I was gon do her favorite movie, Tinker Bell, but I was gon let them decorate cookies.

I been working extra shifts and doing more hair so I could buy her a bunch of new toys.

Rese was in charge of the balloons while Jay put up the banners.

I was setting up the bakery section for the cake decorating.

I found this girl on ig that decorate cakes and she agreed to do a tinker bell cake.

I haven't seen I yet but I'm really hoping she pull through wit something cute.

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