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Se'Kani POV

It's been a whole two weeks of Sincere ignorin me since that lil incident.

She wouldn't let Jay or Rese talk to me and wouldn't even let Ren speak to me whenever we was at my momma house.

I was on my way to her house to apologize, or at least try cus she don't be tryna hear shit I be sayin.

Today was actually her first off day in a minute so might take her to the spa or sumn.

I pulled up to her place and grabbed the bags and flowers out the backseat before gettin out.

I got her the whole telfar x Ugg collection since she been wantin it for a minute and her favorite flowers.

I made my way to her door knockin a few times before I heard her yell on the other side.

"Who is it"?

I just stayed quiet cus I knew she wasn't gon open it if she knew it was me.

The door opened a few seconds later and started to close immediately after.

"Hol'on, you ain't gon let me apologize"?

"I don't want yo apology, I want you to leave me and mine alone".

"Come on mama, you know I ain't mean to put my hands on you".

"But you did".

"I'm sorry. I wasn't really thinkin about it and I felt disrespected".

"That's yo excuse, you 'felt disrespected'?

"I told you to leave multiple times so you damn right imma get disrespectful, but that don't give you the right to put yo hands on me Se'Kani"!

"I know, that's why I'm apologizin. I mi"-

I had to catch myself from finishin that sentence but realized she won't really hear me if she don't know how I really feel.

"I miss you. I grew attached to you in a short amount of time and even though I don't necessarily like that shit, yo presence make me happy as hell".

"I ain't felt that type of happiness in a minute, I need you bruh".

She shifted her weight to one leg while a pout appeared on her face.

"I grew attached to you too, and so did Ren and Jay nem".

"It hurt hearin you talk to another girl the way you did knowin I felt a certain way about you".

"I didn't tho, you gotta communicate mama. I can't know how you feel unless you tell me".

"I hate you".

She said makin her way into my arms layin her head on my chest makin me laugh.

"So you forgive me"?

"Yes, and I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have put my hands on you either".

"Thank you".

She pulled back smiling at the flowers completely ignoring the bags in my hand.

I loved that she cherished the small shit over the expensive things.

"I gotchu that Ugg x telfar collection".

"Why do you always buy gifts for an apology? Sometimes sympathy and an explanation works just fine".

"Cus you deserve everything you eva wanted, so shut up and let me be the person to give you that".

"You know, even though you piss me off sometimes, I really appreciate you".

"The feelin's mutual, and heavy on the pissin me off".

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