
3.4K 113 20

Not proof read

Warning: this chapter is completely ass. Disrespectfully

Sincere POV

"I need furniture before I put the decorations up".

"Well let's order some".

He told me sitting on the kitchen counter.

"That's gon take too long, we gotta go get something quick and cheap for the time being".

"Girl hell nah, we finna order some expensive, professional, fancy, good quality furniture and use same day delivery".

I looked at him like he was crazy cus who finna pay for allat plus that expensive ass same day delivery.

"Boy you outcho rabbit ass mind, cus who"?

"Girl stop bein cheap, I'm payin anyway".

"First off, I'm budgeting, not being cheap".

"Second, no you not. You've done more than enough and I'm very thankful".

He hopped down coming to stand between my legs and grabbed my chin.

"Aww, you really think I give a fuck"?

He said mushing my head back.

"Boy fuck you".

"Already did, that's why yo ass can't walk".

"Dick was ight at best".

I said and he waved me off.

"Girl getcho damn laptop so we can get some furniture".

I laughed standing up but my legs tried to give out.

I caught myself grabbing the chair and heard his deep chuckle behind me.

"Oh, dick was just ight right"?

I ignored him getting up to get my laptop and sitting back at the island.

"Ma ma, can I have some pizza"?

"We gotta order it so you gon have to wait for it, is that ok with you"?

"Yes, I want sausage".

"Ok give mommy kiss".

I picked her up about to kiss her til Siah mushed her face making her smack his hand.

"Stop it"!

"Don't hit me niglet".

"Leave me alone".

She said rolling her eyes then gave me my kiss before I put her down and letting her run back to her room.

"Can you order the pizza please"?

"Gimme kiss first".

He leaned in and I pecked his lips a few times making him smile.

He went on his phone to order it and I continued looking at furniture.


"Pizza here".

Siah yelled goin to the door.

I got the paper plates and foam cups cus I wasn't finna was dishes today.

I washed my hands then Siah came back looking pissed.

"What's wrong baby, they gave you the wrong order".

I handed me a piece of paper that had Se'Kani's name on it.

I ain't even wanna read it cus I know it's just gon piss me off.

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