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Short filler

Sincere POV

I woke up to my phone ringing nonstop and looked to see my manager calling.


"Hey Sincere, I'm gunna need you to come in early and cover for Sherry for the rest of the week".

I scrunched my face cus it didn't sound like he was asking.

"Um I don't know about that".

"If I take her shift, by the time I get home and get some sleep it would be time for me to leave again, not to mention I have school".

"Well that's unfortunate for you, I need you to take her shift".

"I physically and mentally cannot do that. Also, I'm currently in the hospital wit my brother who just got shot"!

"You're seriously telling me I have to take her shift? What's so urgent for her to not show up to work? She literally does this every other month".

"She's going on vacation so deal with it".

"Deal wit it? Deal wit it"!

"That shit is so unfair and you know that! You haven't granted me a vacation since I started, how the fuck is she constantly gettin away wit this shit"?!

"I don't like your tone right now, you either cover her or you're fired".

"I. Literally. Can't"!

"Well Ms.Greene, I want you to clean your locker as soon as possible. You're fired".

Before I could respond he hung up in my face, I felt so defeated right now.

"Sorry to interrupt, just here to do a check up".

"No you're fine, I need to head home anyway".

I say seeing as though it was going on 12.

I kissed Jay's forehead before grabbing my things and heading out.

On my way out I saw everybody else except Rese and Lia since they were at school.

Me and Se'Kani made eye contact causing me to roll mine and greet everybody else.

"Hey babies, I missed y'all so much".

I said kneeling to hug them.

"Hi ma ma".

"Hi Sin".

I stood back up hugging Ms.Lee and Shawn.

I know y'all prolly wondering why I'm not mad at Shawn like I am Se'Kani.

It's kinda complicated.

I was really attached to Se'Kani and whole heartedly trusted him, I had high expectations for him.

I knew he was dangerous but I didn't think the danger would make its way to Jay, at least not at such a young age.

It sounds kinda stupid until you're actually in the situation.

"Sin, let me talk to you for a minute".

Shawn said pulling me to the side as Ms.Lee took the kids to see Jay but Se'Kani stayed behind.


"I know you blamin him for this and you not wrong for it, but I'm partially at fault too and ion think it's fair for him to be treated like that and I'm not".

"He just wanna go see him one time Sin, just allow him this one time".

"You don't get it Shawn, it's not simply about who's fault it is and that's why I'm not treating you the way I am him".

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