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Messiah POV

I was woken up from my nap on the couch by a small hand hittin my face repeatedly.

I opened one eye not really tryna get up for real and seen it was my favorite opp.

"Siah, can I have ice cream"?

"Did you ask yo momma already"?


"And what she say"?


I bust out laughin at her honesty.

"If she told you no why you come ask me"?

"Because uncle Rese is yelling at the game wit Jason, and you always say yes".

She said wit a innocent shrug.

She got me there.

"If I give you ice cream you gotta eat it in yo room and you can't come out til you done, cus if she see you I'm snitchin".

She folded her arms and stale faced me.

"Snitches get stitches".

"And bad kids who sneak ice cream get ate by scary monsters, get out my face".

I stood up stretchin as she just mugged me.

"That's why your breath stinks".

"Girl-, I just had the right mind to drop kick you".

We walked into the kitchen and she opened the freezer pointin to the one she wanted.

I opened it for her and quietly ran her to her room before headin towards Sin's room til she ran back out and hugged my leg.

"Thank you Siah".

She whispered and blew me a kiss then ran back makin me laugh.

I walked in Sin's room seein her layin on her stomach while on her laptop.

"Wassup baby, whatchu doin"?

I laid on top of her kissin her neck and grabbin them lil ass titties.

"Bae yo breath stank".

"Mmtch, fuck both of y'all I just woke up".

I got up smackin her ass as hard as I could and made my way into the bathroom hearin her yell at me which only made me laugh.

I brushed my teeth and freshened my face and went to lay next to her.

I laid on my back so I could see her pretty face.

I put my hand out and she rested her chin on it makin me smile and rub it with my thumb.

"Whatchu doin mama"?

"Getting my booking site ready".

"I wanna start doin hair as a permanent job so i need an official site".

"That's wassup. Look at my baby goin after what she want".

"Don't I always, I got you didn't I"?

"Technically I went after you".

"This second time was on me and you know that, give me my props".

"Fuck yo props, but you gon quit yo job or you gon make sumn work"?

"I actually was thinking about quitting".

She moved her laptop to my chest and laid between my legs while she worked.

"Imma help you get started and getchu a salon but ion want you making that type decision if you not 100% sure about it".

"I am. I always hated that job anyway, I just needed money"

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