46. Jordi and the Ill-Fated Party

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"Food's ready!" Seth's mom announces, holding aloft a tray of meat and buns. "Build your own burgers."

A long folding table has been set up in the middle of the room with all the food and utensils laid out, buffet style.

"Turkey patties," Seth whispers, his breath ticking my ear.

A warm glow spreads through me. He remembered what I about no red meat. I'd been nervous about coming, but now I'm glad I did. His mom isn't so bad.

I smile to myself as I watch Winnie and Tai bump shoulders while assembling their burgers. The big linebacker seems to have made quite the impression on Winnie.

"Seth's father is a grilling wizard." Mrs. Jensen sidles up next to me as I finish arranging tomato slices on my plate.

On the other side of the spread, Seth is building his own burger, nervously glancing between his mother and me.

"They smell delicious." I hand her a fresh plate and pick up a napkin.

"Thank you. Seth tells me you create music?" She drops a bun and patty onto her plate.

I smile at the thought of Seth talking about me to his mother. This is a good sign. "Yes. My dad taught me to drum when I was little. It's a lot of fun."

"I've read that learning a musical instrument improves brain development." Mrs. Jensen squirts ketchup onto her burger before peeking pointedly at Seth across the table. "Unfortunately, I could never get Seth to learn."

He pauses, pickle jar in hand. "Violin isn't exactly interesting."

"Well." His mother lifts her chin, almost imperiously. "Joshua Bell begs to differ."

I notice the tightening of his jaw and decide to speak up. "Who's that?"

"One of the most talented violinists you'll ever see. Even people who don't care for violin like Joshua Bell." She sets the ketchup bottle down and glances at Seth again. "Except maybe my son."

Seth sighs and picks up the mustard. "Yes, Mom, I'm a savage for not wanting to listen to Joshua Bell."

She gives him a sharp look and he drops his eyes.

I busy myself with pickles, unsure about the strained dynamic between these two. I should probably stay out of it.

I find an empty spot next to Winnie on the couch and sit.

"No way," Winnie says, staring at Tai seated on her other side. "Scrabble competitions?"

Tai shrugs, eyes twinkling as he chews. "I may look like a potato, but I've got some tricky words up my sleeve."

"You do not look like a potato." Winnie straightens the bun on her burger. "Maybe more like a pumpkin."

Tai gives her a lopsided grin and nudges her with a shoulder.

She bumps him back. "Okay, tell me one of these tricky Scrabble words."


"Uhh, I'm pretty sure that's a freeway exit on the way to Las Vegas, not an actual word."

"It's an alignment of three celestial bodies. Like the three of us on this couch." Tai bites of an enormous chunk from his burger and leans back with a satisfied smile.

Winnie raises her eyebrows and whispers to me, "This guy is good. Apparently we're celestial bodies now."

I giggle before whispering back. "You like him?"

"I think I do, but it's weird, you know? He's a football player."

"Why is it weird? I dated a football player."

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