Chapter 1

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Washington DC
The Mall
December 7th
1300 Hours

"Hey, if you were Trixie, what would you want for Christmas?"
Mike and Zoe had dragged me to the mall for Christmas shopping. Even though Christmas is weeks away.
"Chocolates are always a solid option! Everyone likes chocolate!" Zoe suggested.
"Yeah, maybe. But I wanna get her something special!" Mike dismissed.
"We get it, you're madly in love with Trixie! Now pick something before you drive me insane!" I huffed.
"Don't be so dramatic! You would do the same thing!"
He got me there.
"Now help me pick something out, and I promise I won't bother you!" Mike begged.
"Fine..." I agreed.
"Trixie seems like the kind of person to like puzzles, so maybe a book of mind teasers or word searches..." I suggested.
"That's nerd stuff! Trixie is not a nerd!" Mike said.
"Do you have any other ideas?" I challenged.
Mike rolled his eyes and kept looking.
Eventually he gave in and bought a book of crosswords.
"I'm telling you, she won't like it!" He nagged.
"I'm sure she will! Crosswords are fun!" Zoe smiled.
Mike groaned. "I'm surrounded by dorks..."
"That's nothing new." I shrugged.
My phone buzzed in my pocket. I looked at the text sent to me.
"It's Erica, she wants us back." I announced.
Zoe sighed in defeat. "I guess shopping will have to wait..."
The three of us headed back to the Academy of Espionage.
Erica was waiting by the door when we got there.
"Took you long enough. Come on, let's go to the principal's office. We have a new mission."
She led us up to the office.
"Hello, students!"
Instead of the principal's nasally, annoying voice greeting us, we were met with a sharp, eloquent voice.
A woman was sitting at the desk, hands folded in front of her.
"Hey, where's the principal?" Mike asked, confused.
"You're looking at her! Former Principal Sidebottom was long overdue for termination." The woman explained.
"About time. That fool was about as competent as a banana peel." Erica agreed, rolling her eyes.
"You're Erica Hale, I assume? Very nice to meet you!" The two shook hands.
"Oh, excuse me! I am Principal Crawe!" The woman introduced herself.
"And you are...?" She asked.
"Well, I'm Mike Brezinski! And this is Zoe Zibbel and Benjamin Ripley!"
I made a small, awkward wave at her.
"I'm glad I got to meet you all, but I'm afraid there's no more time for pleasantries."
She grabbed a file from one of the drawers and put it on the desk.
"For your eyes only." Her tone changed from pleasant to business-like in seconds.
We passed around the file, reading up on our mission dubbed Operation Frosty Hare.
"I'll give you the simplified version. We suspect there is a new criminal organization brewing in Canada. From what we know, we can assume they're recruiting people from the hockey team and the figure skaters." She summarized.
"We need you to infiltrate both groups and track down any potential recruits or current members of the organization."
"Do not engage in combat or capture. You only need to provide the names to the CIA and they'll take care of the rest."
"Alrighty, seems easy enough." Mike shrugged.
Oh, I'm sure it'll find a way to be difficult.
"You will be taking a commercial plane to avoid suspicion. It leaves in two hours, so I'd advise you get going. I would travel light, since this is a very risky operation. Anything could go wrong, and you could be whisked back here at a moments notice. Safe travels, students!"
The new principal flashed us one last smile before shooing us out of her office.
"I'm so glad we have a new principal! I was so sick of Idiot..." Zoe sighed in relief.
"I think everyone was...!" Mike laughed.
We all headed to our rooms and packed a bag.
"Hey guys!"
Chip and Jawa were jogging towards us with their own bags in hand.
"We're coming too! Since you guys were off doing whatever, we got called in earlier!" Chip explained.
"Let's go, guys! Before the plane leaves!" Zoe called out.
We were driven to the airport by a school van.
By the time we were dropped off, there was an hour left for us to board.
We made it through security (barely, considering we were traveling with Erica) and grabbed McDonald's for lunch.
"Why would you eat this slop willingly? It's probably stuffed full of preservatives and carbs..." Erica poked at her food with a fork.
"Because it's good!" Mike took a huge bite of his burger.
Erica cringed at her meal and pushed it away.
Chip eagerly snatched it up and wolfed it down.
Once all the food was gone and everyone was full, we boarded the plane.
Time to head to Canada!
Hopefully no one tries to kill us this time...

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