Chapter 12

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Montreal, Canada
Criminal Headquarters?
December 9th
2030 Hours

After I left Merlyn, I searched the house for anything I could use.
I opted not use a gun and instead grabbed a metal bat.
I just hope enemy agents are easier to hit than baseballs.
It seems my initial impression was correct. The only people in this house are Fang, those two other guys, and that girl.
So I guess that means either one of them are the boss, or their boss is elsewhere.
Fang was already taken out, so thank goodness for that.
The others were pretty easy to take since they were caught by surprise.
I grabbed the cell keys from their pockets.
I really hope I didn't give any of them a concussion...
I looked all around the house. No sign of any tablets, computers, laptops, or even phones!
I don't get it!
A 17-year-old couldn't have come up with this... Much less these guys...
So how are they doing all this?
My attention turned to the only two devices in the house.
An old radio and the TV.
I tried the TV first. I switched through random channels, trying to find something.
I also looked through the cables. Nothing strange there.
There's only one option left.
I grabbed the radio. I turned the dials, clicked the buttons... But nothing worked!
But it was the only explanation...!
Erica probably knows something...
I went down the stairs to the basement.
"Hey! Guys! I got the keys!"
But nobody replied.
The room was dead quiet.
I slowly walked over to the cells, readying my bat.
No one was there.
Zoe, Erica, Chip, and Jawa were all gone.
All that was left was a sticky note in the middle of the floor.

"Dear Ben,
Sorry, I had to get everyone outta here, and I didn't have time to look for you! There's a bomb set to blow in a couple minutes, so I would advise you get out of the basement!
With love, Murray Hill ❤️"
P.S: In return, I want a kiss. On the lips. For a full minute. It's not negotiable.

I crumpled up the note in frustration and ran out of the basement.
Right when I stepped outside, there was an explosion from inside.
I screwed my eyes shut and covered myself and the radio.
After a minute or so, I stood up.
The house looked very damaged, but still in one piece.
I was met with the four 17-year-olds, including Merlyn, running out of the house, screaming their heads off.
"Didn't you guys set that bomb in the first place?!" I yelled at them.
"No! We didn't even know it was there!" The girl cried.
One of the guys growled. "It was the boss! He's probably ready to enact his plan, so he tried to get rid of any loose ends!"
"Wait, so this whole recruitment thing was a diversion?!" I yelled.
"I guess so!" Fang threw his hands up.
"So I betrayed Ben for nothing?!" Merlyn stood up and grabbed the collar of the guy's shirt.
"Oh, that lying, cheating, son of a bitch!" The girl punched the ground in anger.
"Come on, Ripley! We're going to get back at him! And you're coming with!" One of the guys reached over to grab my arm.
"Of course I am! This is literally my job! So you don't need to drag me!" I smacked his arm away.
Everyone clamored into a van, the girl taking the wheel.
"Seatbelts on, guys! 'Cuz this is gonna be a rough drive!"
As soon as the last seatbelt clicked on, the girl stomped on the gas pedal and the van sped away from the house.
"So...what are all your names? I can't just call you guys #1, #2, and #3." I said.
"I'm Drake." The guy who broke into my hotel room introduced himself first.
"Victor." The other said.
"And I'm Kate." The girl said.
"You already know Fang." Drake motioned.
Fang growled and crossed his arms.
"And...well... you and Merlyn are already acquainted." Drake said awkwardly.
Merlyn looked down at his shoes in shame.
I tried to move the subject away.
"Do you guys know where your boss is?" I asked.
"Yeah, he's hiding out in a nearby motel. I know the address." Kate replied.
"So what's he planning? A theft? Embezzlement? Pirating?" I said.
"Your guess is as good as ours." Drake shrugged.
"Seriously? Can't someone else figure everything out? Why is it always me?" I protested.
"Is...this a regular thing for you...?" Merlyn finally spoke up.
"You have no idea." I rolled my eyes.
"Hey heads up, we're close to the motel. Get ready." Kate reminded us.
The van pulled into the motel parking lot.
We all pulled out a weapon.
I had my bat, Drake and Victor both had stun guns, Kate had a hammer, and Fang pulled out two machetes.
"Dude, seriously?" Drake raised an eyebrow.
"What?! It's called being prepared, dipshit!" Fang yelled.
"You seriously need to chill..." Drake shook his head.
"Also, quit swearing. We have a kid here." Victor motioned to me.
"I've heard swears before..." I said.
"Really? How old are you? Ten...?" Drake asked.
"I'm fourteen!" I cried.
"Yeah, whatever." He brushed off my complaint.
"Okay, let's go, guys." Kate said.
We all nodded and walked up to a room.
"Room 207, this is it..." Kate whispered.
Everyone surrounded the door, weapons at the ready.
Kate kicked down the door and we got ready to attack.
But...what we saw wasn't the boss...
An intern, barely older than everyone else, was sprawled on the floor in fear.
"Who...who are you?! Please don't hurt me!" He begged in a squeaky, pubescent voice.
"I sure hope this isn't your boss..." I said.
"Nope. I've never seen him before in my life." Kate shook her head.
Fang put down one of his machetes and picked up the intern by the collar of his shirt. He lifted him up to eye level.
"Where's your boss?! Tell us or I'll slice you to pieces!" He shouted in his face.
"He...he told me he was going to the Maple Syrup Reserve...!" The intern stammered.
Fang threw him down. "You heard him! Let's go!"
We all rushed out of the motel room, leaving the terrified intern behind.
We climbed back in the van. As soon as the doors were closed, Kate stomped on the gas pedal and we were off to the Maple Syrup Reserve.

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