Chapter 14

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Montreal, Canada
Maple Syrup Reserve
December 9th
2110 Hours

Before the first guy could land a hit, Erica swung her leg and hit his side.
With that first strike, chaos ensued.
Both us and the men charged at each other.
Me and Merlyn ended up fighting together. Mostly Merlyn.
He is very strong...! Guess all that hockey was good for something!
Once the man was fought off, Merlyn was immediately focused on me.
"Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" He placed a hand on my cheek, which I instantly slapped away.
I turned away from him.
Even though I couldn't see him, I could sense his guilt.
Maybe I should cut him some slack...It's not like he wanted to betray me...
Then again, he stabbed me in the back when I needed him most.
But he never wanted me to get hurt...His feelings were genuine...
Come on! Snap out of it! Whether he deserves a second chance or not, he's still a criminal!
But it wouldn't hurt to throw him a bone...
"I'm sorry, I really am...! Believe me when I say that if I had a choice, I would never had used you..." Merlyn practically pleaded.
I turned back to him.
"I believe you."
Merlyn choked up.
He rushed over to me and picked me up.
"Oh Ben...! I can't stand the thought of you hating me...! I'll never take you for granted, please stay with me! I don't want you to leave!" He looked up at me with teary, cloudy eyes.
"You know I can't do that! It doesn't matter if I forgive you or not, you're going to prison!"
With a sniffle, Merlyn put me down.
"Besides, the damage is already done. You had your chance." I crossed my arms.
I could tell that Merlyn was trying his hardest not to cry.
"Now go. Someone else needs your help." I pushed him away.
Reluctantly, Merlyn walked away from me to go help fight off the other men.
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
That was intense...!
I don't think I've ever said something like that to anyone...ever!
I turned around and jumped in surprise when I saw Murray standing right behind me.
"Who was that? Why was he hugging you? Are you two dating?"
He has his arms crossed and his eyes narrowed.
"No, no... He was just an enemy agent..." I said.
Murray looked me up and down. "Keep it that way."
Is he...jealous?
No, why on earth would he be jealous?
Murray huffed and walked away.
Erica finished off the rest of the men and they ran out the door in fear.
"Is...that it?" Chip asked.
"Probably not. Their boss is most likely on the way here as we speak." Erica said.
Right on cue, someone walked into the Reserve.
He was a polar opposite of his men.
He was bony, with long, slicked back hair and a (admittedly very stylish) jacket and shirt.
He regarded us with a small smile and nod.
"So you must be the ones who disabled the bomb. A pity that everyone survived."
He glanced over at Fang, Drake, Victor, and Kate.
Fang growled and pointed one of his machetes at him.
"You'd better think twice before pulling another stunt like that again!" He yelled.
He just chuckled.
"I was simply ridding myself of loose ends. Which you all are."
"And now that my plan is a failure, I need those loose ends tied up."
He pulled out a button from his pocket and clicked it.
An explosion burst from another spot in the Reserve.
We all got blasted and tossed around by the force of the explosion.
After a few seconds of lying there and letting the ringing in my ears soften, I opened my eyes to see the man running away from the building.
"No...! Come back here...!"
But before I could get up and run after him, a metal shelf landed hard on my back, knocking the wind out of me.
I tried crawling out, but the shelf was too heavy and I was too disoriented.
"I'm stuck...! Someone please help me...!" I rasped.
I couldn't see very well, but I heard many footsteps running away.
"No...! Don't leave...! Help..."
The one of the sets of footsteps stopped.
They hesitated for a moment.
Then they ran again, but this time towards me.
I heard a grunt of effort. I felt the burden of the shelf lift, just slightly.
Another set of footsteps approached me.
"Come on...! Help me out! Ben's stuck under there...!"
The shelf was lifted a little more. That was enough for me to crawl out of it.
The two people panted.
"I should really go to the gym more...!"
I lifted my head slightly.
I saw two silhouettes.
One that looked like Mike, with spiky brown hair and well-built.
And there was another. Skinny, with long dark hair and pale skin.
No...that couldn't be... Were my eyes playing tricks on me...?
Mike pulled my head into his lap.
"Don't worry, Ben. I've got you."
"Come on! This place is gonna collapse!"
Mike and the other person lifted my body off of the ground.
They jogged over to the exit and practically leaped out.
I couldn't see what happened, but I heard the clanking of metal and a crash.
I saw more people approaching me.
"Ben! Are you okay?"
"Talk to me, dude!"
Then someone brushed them out of the way. Judging by the lilac and gunpowder scent, Erica.
"Give him some space, he might be concussed. Let's get him to a hospital." She ordered.
I was lifted into what I assumed was the van.
The pale, dark haired silhouette stayed with me.
"Please don't die...please don't die..." He murmured.
Some of the fog in my eyes cleared. I finally recognized the voice.
Murray Hill was the one who saved me.

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