Chapter 13

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Montreal, Canada
Maple Syrup Reserve
December 9th
2100 Hours

As soon as the van stopped moving, me, Drake, Victor, Kate, Fang, and Merlyn all practically leaped out of the van.
Kate went over to the door.
"Someone already broke in..." She showed off the broken lock.
We all made our way inside.
"Wow, that's a lot of syrup..." I murmured.
Everyone nodded in agreement.
"I can't believe they did all this for a bunch of syrup..." Fang scoffed.
"Hey! Is someone there?"
"We're over here!"
Various familiar voices called to us.
We ran to the middle of the reserve.
The first thing I noticed were my friends.
They were all tied to chairs in a circle, including Murray.
When he saw me, his face split into a big smile.
"Ben! I knew you'd come for me!"
Everyone shot him a dirty look.
"And for everyone else too, I guess." He rolled his eyes.
The next thing I noticed was the massive bomb right in the middle of the circle.
"Holy shit, there's enough C4 here to demolish this whole building!" Drake cried.
As soon as he said that, the plan made sense.
"He's trying to get rid off all the syrup in Canada!" I shouted out.
The fiend...! How dare he! Now no one will have maple syrup! Including me!" Murray yelled incredulously.
"Not only that, destroying all the maple syrup here will ruin Canada's economy!" Zoe said.
Murray looked confused.
Erica sighed. "Because Canada is running out of maple syrup and they need this reserve to keep up the supply to support its economy..."
"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's untie them and get to defusing!" Kate ordered.
Fang cut off the ropes with his machetes.
"Where's Mike?" Chip asked.
"He's safe. He wasn't captured." I replied.
"So, if I'm understanding correctly, you're on our side now...?" Zoe asked Kate.
"I guess so." Kate shrugged.
"Our boss left us in our base to die after he started putting his plan in motion!" Drake said.
"Yeah, that's why I kidnapped you all! There was a bomb in the basement!" Murray added.
Eric's grabbed the collar of his shirt.
"There was a bomb and you just left Ben?!"
"It's all in the note I gave him! I didn't have enough time to look for him, and if I did, we both would've died!" Murray out his hands up in defense.
"He's telling the truth. Judging by how quickly the bomb went off, Murray wouldn't have had a chance to find me before the bomb blew up." I came to his defense.
Wow, thats a first.
Murray actually did the right thing. It's like seeing a white whale.
Murray looked surprised that I was defending him.
"If you say so." Erica let go of Murray.
"I've got a bomb to defuse."
She walked away from the both of us.
I turned to Murray, who had the biggest smile on his face.
I crossed my arms. "Don't turn this into a big deal."
Judging from Murray's smirk, he's gonna make this a into big deal.
"Oh, I knew you loved me deep down!" He threw himself on me and hugged me tight.
"Hey- Shut up! Get off!" I tried to pry him off, but with no luck.
Mostly because he was taller and heavier than me.
I kept struggling until I felt something on my cheek.
A kiss.
Everything suddenly froze.
I stopped struggling, and Murray stopped to stare at me.
"I'll get off now."
He slowly, almost robotically, stood up and walked away from me with blush on his cheeks.
I just sat there, processing what had just happened.
"Hey... Hey!" Zoe snapped her fingers in front of my face.
"Sorry, I'm coming!"
I wiped off my cheek and went over to the bomb, which was practically torn apart by Erica combing through the wires.
"What happened? You just...froze..." Zoe asked.
"It's nothing, I'm fine." I dismissed.
If my classmates knew that Murray had just kissed me, I'd never hear the end of it...
Zoe shrugged and left it alone.
"Here it is! Someone, give me something sharp!" Erica held a wire in her hands.
Jawa grabbed his pocket knife and tossed it to Erica, who deftly cut the wire.
The timer turned off, and just like that, the bomb was deactivated.
Everyone cheered.
But the sound of cheering was drowned out by a loud, ringing alarm.
"It's coming from the bomb! Is it gonna blow up?" Drake yelled.
"No, this is a security alarm...!" Erica said.
"Maybe the boss put an alarm there in case something happened to the bomb!" Victor suggested.
Fang yelled out in frustration.
"That son of a-"
But before he could finish his insult, three muscled guys burst in through the door.
"Get them!"
With that order, they charged at us.

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